Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Strengthening Water & Sanitation to Improve Child Nutrition +

Direct Link to Full 20-Page 2024 UNICEF Document:

Strengthening water and sanitation systems to improve child nutrition and development outcomes | UNICEF

Poor food hygiene and contaminated complementary food and water can also spread pathogens to young children. Unsafe water and unsafely managed sanitation services can increase the transmission routes through which young children are exposed to pathogens There is a direct link between poor water and sanitation and child undernutrition Availability, quality, access and use of water and sanitation systems, combined with adequate hygiene practices, play a critical role in young children’s nutrition and affect their ability to grow and develop. Access to safe water and clean household environments for young children are critical to significantly reduce environmental contamination and improve children’s nutrition. In contrast, persistent exposure to pathogens from ingestion of fecal bacteria, as well as repeated bouts of diarrhea and intestinal worm infections from living in environments with poor WASH conditions, can compromise nutrient absorption and utilization, even when adequate nutrients are available.

Извор: WUNRN – 29.04.2024



EU Parliament Approves First Ever EU Rules on VAW

Parliament approves first ever EU rules on combating violence against women | News | European Parliament (europa.eu)

EU Parliament Approves First Ever EU Rules on Combating Violence Against Women

  • Actions to prevent rape and increase understanding of consent
  • Forced marriage and female genital mutilation considered crimes
  • Disclosing private information online without consent is prohibited, as is “cyber-flashing”
  • Specialised assistance for victims

One in three women in the EU have experienced physical and/or sexual violence © Adobe Stock / Atlas

The new rules aim to prevent gender-based violence and protect its victims, especially women and victims of domestic violence.

Parliament adopted on Wednesday, with 522 in favour, 27 against, and 72 abstentions, the first ever EU rules on combating violence against women and domestic violence. The directive calls for stronger laws against cyberviolence, better assistance for victims, and steps to prevent rape.


Women's Reproductive Rights Become USA Election Battlegrounds

Photo taken by the author at one of the many marches for the obvious right to decide about our bodies and our lives.

By Lina AbiRafeh

Direct Link to Full 96-Page 2024 Report:

My body on the ballot… again.. And here we are once again. The rights… | by Lina AbiRafeh | Apr, 2024 | Medium

And here we are once again. The rights to our own bodies are on the line.

I’ve written about abortion access in the United States before herehere, and here. And just about everywhere. And maybe one day I’ll write something positive. Unfortunately, today is not that day.

Women’s rights are not a light switch, to be flicked on or off based on the whims of those (men) in power. But the light has been flicked off for women in Arizona. Their bodies have become battlegrounds.




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

Здравствен информативен центар