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Poor food hygiene and contaminated complementary food and water can also spread pathogens to young children. Unsafe water and unsafely managed sanitation services can increase the transmission routes through which young children are exposed to pathogens There is a direct link between poor water and sanitation and child undernutrition Availability, quality, access and use of water and sanitation systems, combined with adequate hygiene practices, play a critical role in young children’s nutrition and affect their ability to grow and develop. Access to safe water and clean household environments for young children are critical to significantly reduce environmental contamination and improve children’s nutrition. In contrast, persistent exposure to pathogens from ingestion of fecal bacteria, as well as repeated bouts of diarrhea and intestinal worm infections from living in environments with poor WASH conditions, can compromise nutrient absorption and utilization, even when adequate nutrients are available.
Извор: WUNRN – 29.04.2024