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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








2023 Universal Health Coverage Monitoring Report +

© UNICEF/Mojtba Moawia Moawi  - A young pregnant mother is seen for an antenatal checkup at a health centre in Kassala state, Sudan.

Alert: Healthcare: Lack of universal coverage, ‘human rights tragedy on a massive scale’ (campaign-archive.com)

Healthcare: Lack of universal coverage, ‘human rights tragedy on a massive scale’

21 September 2023 - World leaders on Thursday agreed to boost efforts to provide universal health coverage for all by 2030.

By approving a new political declaration at UN Headquarters during the high level meeting, Member States also pledged to take concrete action and provide the necessary funding to reach the ambitious goal.


Why the Majority of the World's Poor are Women

Hoan works at the Tinh Loi Garment Factory, in North Vietnam, where she works on average 62 hours each week, earning around $1 an hour, packaging t-shirts and shirts for global export. Photo: Adam Patterson/Oxfam


2023 - Gender inequality is one of the oldest and most pervasive forms of inequality in the world. It denies women their voices, devalues their work and make women’s position unequal to men’s, from the household to the national and global levels.

Despite some important progress to change this in recent years, in no country have women achieved economic equality with men, and women are still more likely than men to live in poverty.


Violence Against Women & Girls, Nationality Laws & Statelessness - UN Special Rapporteur VAW

Full 23-Page UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women & Girls 2023 Report to the UN General Assembly IS ATTACHED

United Nations - General Assembly - A/78/256* - Distr.: General 28 July 2023

Seventy-eighth session

Item 26 of the provisional agenda**

Advancement of women

Violence against women and girls, its causes and consequences Note by the Secretary-General

The Secretary-General has the honour to transmit to the General Assembly the report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, its causes and consequences, Reem Alsalem, in accordance with Assembly resolution 77/193.

Извор: WUNRN – 24.09.2023




Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value: Where Do We Stand in 2023? ILO

Equal pay for work of equal value: where do we stand in 2023? - ILOSTAT

Despite some progress, gender wage gaps persist and are even widening in some occupations. Gender wage gaps are not primarily attributable to differences in educational attainment, and in general do not narrow but rather often increase with age.

September 18, 2023 - When asked eight years ago why gender parity was important in the cabinet he had formed, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded, ‘Because it’s 2015’. We are in 2023, but gender equality remains elusive across the globe. In the last year for which data are available, the proportion of women in senior and middle management positions (SDG Indicator 5.5.2) was lower than 35 per cent in half of the world’s countries. Men still earned more than women in most countries, in nearly all industries, due to various factors including persisting gender segregation in employment by occupation, disruptions to the working lives of women due to motherhood, uneven sharing of family and care responsibilities, and unfair pay practices, This blog dives into the ILO’s Harmonized Microdata Collection to provide insights regarding this major social injustice of our time: the gender pay gap.


CEDAW Convention & Its Optional Protocol - Handbook for Parliamentarians


The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and Its Optional Protocol: Handbook for Parliamentarians

Twenty years on from 2003, thanks to the continued collaboration between the IPU and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), this second edition of the handbook taps into the important guidance developed by the Committee on translating the Convention into concrete action that addresses all forms of discrimination and genderbased violence against women and girls. It also builds on the essential work of parliaments to advance gender equality in a wide range of contexts, as well as on the perspectives of civil society and government as key allies in this work. This edition aims to build new momentum and serve as a reminder that the implementation of the Convention should be an everyday task. It stresses the relevance of the Convention to all dimensions of the work of parliaments – from law-making, budget allocation and parliamentary oversight of government to the leadership and model role of individual parliamentarians in shifting discriminatory perceptions, stereotypes and patriarchal attitude.

Извор: WUNRN – 22.09.2023



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