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The State of Women & Leadership in Global Health

Direct Link to Full 26-Page 2023 Women in Global Health Report: WGH Policy Report 2023 (womeningh.org)


  1. Women remain a minority in global health leadership: progress has stalled
  2. Women lost ground in health leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic
  3. Applying an intersectional lens shows some groups of women are most excluded from health leadership 
  4. Across contexts and cultures, women experience common challenges accessing leadership in health
  5. Governments have made global commitments to gender equality in decision-making but these will only drive change when implemented
  6. Gender equal leadership at national level will feed female talent into global health leadership
  7. Women know what they need to access health leadership
  8. Women in health are shaping leadership

Извор: WUNRN – 16.10.2023



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