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CEDAW Convention & Optional Protocol - Framework on How Parliaments Can Use CEDAW

Direct Link to Full 170-Page 2023 UN Report: https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/publications/OHCHR-IPU-CEDAW-Handbook-revised-edition.pdf

This handbook essentially focuses on how parliaments can use CEDAW as a framework for advancing gender equality, and the human rights of women and girls, through their work.

More specifically, it: • provides a background to the CEDAW Convention and its Optional Protocol, and to the work of the CEDAW Committee • discusses various cross-cutting thematic areas which the CEDAW Committee has elaborated and focuses on in its work, and how they can be addressed by parliaments (the meaning of and approach to discrimination and gender equality; intersectionality; temporary special measures; stereotypes; CEDAW and the Sustainable Development Agenda; and CEDAW implementation in challenging contexts including conflict, disaster risk reduction and climate change, and public health crises) • highlights two specific rights for illustrative purposes, and provides insights into the role of parliaments in advancing these rights (the right to live free from gender-based violence against women and girls, including trafficking and harmful practices such as child marriage; and women’s right to political and public participation) • covers other, related rights guaranteed in the Convention more generally (these are weaved throughout the handbook) • contains a list of recent general recommendations by the CEDAW Committee on various aspects of rights in the Convention (in the Annex) • discusses the role of parliaments in: Ì advancing CEDAW through ratification or accession and the lifting of reservations, participating in reporting to the CEDAW Committee on implementation, and following up on the concluding observations of the Committee and other recommendations adopted by the Committee under the Optional Protocol Ì law-making, oversight, budget allocation, awareness-raising, diplomacy and development assistance for gender equality, including by making the institution gender-sensitive, strengthening relations with key stakeholders and tapping into the role of the IPU

The handbook addresses the various issues from the perspective of the CEDAW Committee. It relies on the CEDAW Committee’s general recommendations, through which the Committee interprets the Convention. The themes and rights of focus selected for this handbook are based on the areas of interest most commonly expressed by parliamentarians from across the globe engaged in IPU activities and in CEDAW follow-up. The handbook also provides specific country examples, which were either presented during the various consultation meetings, or taken from literature and from concluding observations issued by the CEDAW Committee following its consideration of State reports. Each relevant segment ends with a section entitled “What parliaments can do”, which provides practical recommendations.

Извор: WUNRN – 10.09.2023




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