Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Silence & Omissions: A Media Guide for Covering Gender-Based Violence

Direct Link to 322 Page 2021 CWGL Publication:


Gender-based violence is a human rights violation that, in its extreme form, is fatal. Violence is part of a continuum of gender-based discrimination, harassment, and exclusion that debilitates women and deprives them of their ability to thrive and be equal members of society. Violence perpetrated against women because they are women happens in all corners of the globe and is committed by individuals, state, and non-state actors. Ultimately, from a journalistic point of view, a survivor-centered approach is about recognizing survivors’ agency, as well as relaying the infinite range of their suffering, their experiences, and their perspectives.

Извор: WUNRN – 14.05.2023



Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

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