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A Gender Perspective on Monitoring SDG 16

UNODC – UN Office of Drugs & Crime

Direct Link to Full 26-Page 2022 UNODC Report: https://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/statistics/DataMatters_4_2022.pdf

More than five years into the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the progress made by Member States shows mixed results for different targets under Goal 16, pertaining to violence, trafficking, criminal justice, and corruption. While there is some global progress in reducing criminal violence, the current pace is not sufficient to achieve the target by 2030, and while some regions are progressing, others are experiencing setbacks. There is no detectable global progress in improving perceptions of safety among the population and improving access to justice, with the share of prisoners that are held without a trial remaining constant at around 30% of the global prison population over the last two decades.

Извор: WUNRN – 04.02.2023



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