Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Involving Men to Improve Maternal & Newborn Health


Emerging evidence and program experience indicate that engaging men in maternal and newborn health can have considerable health benefits for women and children in low- and middle-income countries. Previous reviews have identified male involvement as a promising intervention, but with a complex evidence base and limited direct evidence of effectiveness for mortality and morbidity outcomes.


To determine the effect of interventions to engage men during pregnancy, childbirth and infancy on mortality and morbidity, as well as effects on mechanisms by which male involvement is hypothesized to influence mortality and morbidity outcomes: home care practices, care-seeking, and couple relationships.


WomanStats - Backing Up Women with Facts & Figures

Schoolgirls in Afghanistan who are determined to get an education, despite the tremendous obstacles confronting them, including the Taliban. The WomanStats Project is a wide-ranging database that can shed light on such topics as education, covering the field of women, peace and security in legal, physical, economic and social spheres in a given country. JOHANNA HIGGS

By Sarah Friedmann • July 16, 2018 

In 2001, a pair of academics at Brigham Young University in Utah aimed to identify data linking the status of women to the security and behavior of countries. Seventeen years later, what began as a single article has evolved into a vital, comprehensive global database, offering insights into women’s lives in 176 countries.

Meet the WomanStats Project, with 13 principal investigators and some of the first-ever wide-ranging data in database format in the growing field of women, peace and security — legal, physical, economic and social. Innovative “ordinal scales” and other data, says the project’s co-founder, Valerie Hudson, shed light on such things as the practice of polygyny, or polygamy; women’s property rights; bride prices, or dowries; the prevalence and legality of cousins marrying; the phenomenon of rapists who offer to marry the women they have raped; and women’s mobility in public spaces.


Call for Proposals: SVRI and WBG 2019 Development Award for Innovation in the Prevention & Response to Gender-Based Violence

SVRI – Sexual Violence Research Initiative: WBG – World Bank Group

Full Information – http://www.svri.org/what-we-do/research-support/svri-grants/svri-and-world-bank-development-marketplace-for-innovation-on-gbv-prevention-response-2019

Request for Proposals: SVRI and WBG 2019 Development Marketplace Award for Innovation in the Prevention and Response to GBV: Gender-Based Violence

The SVRI and the World Bank Group are requesting proposals for innovative research and interventions or related activities that will contribute to the prevention of and improved response to gender-based violence in low and middle income countries. This year the call for proposals also includes a specific window for financing private sector organizations that would like to work on addressing GBV. For further information on this call click here.




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

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