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Call for Proposals: SVRI and WBG 2019 Development Award for Innovation in the Prevention & Response to Gender-Based Violence

SVRI – Sexual Violence Research Initiative: WBG – World Bank Group

Full Information – http://www.svri.org/what-we-do/research-support/svri-grants/svri-and-world-bank-development-marketplace-for-innovation-on-gbv-prevention-response-2019

Request for Proposals: SVRI and WBG 2019 Development Marketplace Award for Innovation in the Prevention and Response to GBV: Gender-Based Violence

The SVRI and the World Bank Group are requesting proposals for innovative research and interventions or related activities that will contribute to the prevention of and improved response to gender-based violence in low and middle income countries. This year the call for proposals also includes a specific window for financing private sector organizations that would like to work on addressing GBV. For further information on this call click here.

Grants of up to US$100,000 and up to US$40,000 for private sector co-funded seed grants, no longer than 24 months in duration may be awarded. Deadline for applications is 5th September 2018. Apply online here: https://proposalcentral.altum.com/. (Log In Required)

Information on previous award winners and their research and publications can be found on the SVRI Grants page.

Извор: WUNRN – 13.07.2018




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Човекови права во здравствена заштита

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