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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








CSW 64 Political Declaration for the 25th Anniversary of the Beijing Women's Conference

Opening of the 64th session of the Commission on the Status of Women on 9 March, 2020 in New York. Photo: UN Women/Ryan Brown

The Political Declaration Adopted Today of the 64th Commission on the Status of Women – CSW 64,

Taking Stock of Women’s Rights on the 25th Anniversary of the Beijing Declaration & Platform for Action

9 March 2020, New York—In a Political Declaration adopted today by Member States commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing in 1995, leaders pledged to ramp up efforts to fully implement the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, still considered the most visionary blueprint on women’s rights.

The Political Declaration is the main outcome of the 64th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, the largest annual gathering on gender equality and the empowerment of women at the UN. This year the Commission decided to scale back the session to a one-day procedural meeting with delegations and civil society representatives based in New York, in light of the COVID-19 situation.


Nearly 90 % of Men — & Women — Are Biased Against Women: UN Study

By Alaa Elassar, CNN – March 6, 2020

Almost 90 percent of men hold some form of bias against women, according to a new global UN report.

Surprisingly, 90% of women do, too!

The Gender Social Norms Index, which measures how social beliefs affect gender equality, was released by the United Nations Development Programme on Thursday.

Despite the progress that has occurred in closing the equality gap, researchers found that people's beliefs still negatively impact women's rights and equality.

Direct Link to Full 36-Page 2020 UNDP Report: http://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/hd_perspectives_gsni.pdf

Move womankind forward on International Women's Day


Webinar: Opening Justice

This webinar has already taken place. You can watch the recording of the webinar below or view on Youtube here and access the presentation here.

Take the justice commitments survey here.

Justice is an emerging area in open government. Thanks to increased global activity around access to justice, there is growing interest by many governments and civil society organizations to better link justice with open government, and to use the OGP platform as a mechanism for making progress towards global goals such as SDG16+.

In the webinar we discussed access to justice reforms that can be advanced through the OGP platform. We share examples of country action from the new, 2019-2021 Action Plans, of OGP Co-Chair Government of Argentina and Task Force on Justice member Sierra Leone, experiences from an emerging justice coalition in OGP, as well as of other justice actions globally that seek to put people at the center of justice systems as envisioned in SDG16.


Open Gov Week 2020

Mark your Calendars: Open Gov Week is coming May 3-10, 2020

Following the success of last year’s Open Gov Week (OGW) with over 50 countries held more than 700 events around the globe, we are delighted to announce that OGW 2020 will take place on May 3-10.

Open Gov Week is a global call to action. It is intended to promote democracy, foster inclusion and improve governance through the collaboration between citizens and government.

The week includes a series of events where changemakers, thinkers and doers from in and out of government come together to listen to each other’s ideas, discuss solutions, and commit to taking real action.

Check the Open Gov Week website for more details.


Извор: Отворено владино партнерство – 03.03.2020


Coronavirus: The world economy at risk

OECD Economic Outlook, Interim Report March 2020

The impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on economic prospects is severe

Growth was weak but stabilising until the coronavirus Covid-19 hit. Restrictions on movement of people, goods and services, and containment measures such as factory closures have cut manufacturing and domestic demand sharply in China. The impact on the rest of the world through business travel and tourism, supply chains, commodities and lower confidence is growing.


Извор: OECD – 03.2020



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