Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Call to Mainstream a Gender Perspective in Drug Treatment & Prevention Programmes, & Develop Alternative Drug Policies Grounded in Gender Equality, Ending Stigma

One of the posters of Dianova’s Human Empowerment campaign dedicated to raise awareness about the close relationship between addiction and gender


March 23, 2020 - Over the last decades, alcohol and drug-related disorders have spread dramatically and no nation remains immune to their considerable human and economic costs. Although rates of substance use disorders seem to be higher for men than for women, the physical and mental consequences can be more profound for the latter.

The prejudices and social stigma associated with female drug users delay the treatment process. On the one hand, they are pointed out for being drug users or having an addiction problem and, on the other hand, for not fulfilling the gender-related roles that are expected from them (double stigma). When they try and face such situations, stigma affects them to a greater extent. Addiction treatment programmes are generally grounded in an androcentric perspective that does not meet everyone’s needs, and engendering obstacles to treatment. For this reason as stated by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimewomen account for only one out of five people in treatment for drug use.


Only 1 manager out of 3 in the EU is a woman...... even less in senior management positions

More than6.7million persons hold a managerial position in the European Union of 27 Member States(EU): 4.3million men (63% of all managers) and 2.5million women (37%).

In addition, women account for a little over one quarter of board members of publicly listed companies in the EU(28%), and for less than one fifth of senior executives(18%)in 2019.In other words, although representing approximately half of all employed persons in the EU, women continue to be under-represented amongst managers.

This information is published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, on the occasion of International Women’s Day. This news release only shows a small part of the large amount of gender based data available at Eurostat.


Извор: Eurostat – 06.03.2020


COVID-19 Highlights the Failure of Neoliberal Capitalism: Call for Feminist Global Solidarity

COVID-19 Highlights the Failure of Neoliberal Capitalism: We Need Feminist Global Solidarity

March 25, 2020 - APWLD stands in solidarity with the people in the region and across the globe, who are suffering from COVID-19 pandemic and other interconnected crises.  Women of all diversities bear the brunt of this crisis as they face multiple and intersecting discrimination, exclusion and violence.  The effect of this public health crisis leading to — and was brought by —- the interconnected economic, social and political crisis is becoming clearly evident, and the most marginalised communities are hit the hardest. We have observed the significant lack of access to accurate information, governments’ failure to deliver on their state obligation, including in ensuring transparency or meeting peoples’ basic needs, increased digital surveillance, curfews and lockdown with sweeping measures by military and police forces.  With movement restrictions as well as the closure of schools in the absence of adequate support for care services, we have also witnessed how, at home, patriarchal, gendered norms of unpaid care work are reinforced, as well as rapid surges in domestic violence across the world.


“Unacceptable”–UN expert urges better protection of older persons facing the highest risk of the COVID-19 pandemic

GENEVA (27 March 2020) – Society has a duty to exercise solidarity and better protect older persons who are bearing the lion's share of the COVID-19 pandemic, a UN human rights expert said.

"Reports of abandoned older persons in care homes or of dead corpses found in nursing homes are alarming. This is unacceptable," said Rosa Kornfeld-Matte, UN Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons. "We all have the obligation to exercise solidarity and protect older persons from such harm."

Older persons do not only face a disproportionate risk of death but they are further threatened by COVID-19 due to their care support needs or by living in high-risk environments such as institutions, the expert said.

Kornfeld-Matte expressed particular concerns about older persons with underlying health conditions and those who are already socially excluded, living in poverty, having limited access to health services, or living in confined spaces such as prisons and residential care homes.




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