Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Safer Sooner Report - Violence Against Women & Girls

SAFER SOONER REPORT - Toward a Global Binding Norm on Violence Against Women - Direct Link – 144 Pages



Poor Women Take the Strain as Climate Change Pushes Men to Leave Home - And Now, the Virus Complicates

The burden on women is increasing as they are left to take care of their children and land, while men who leave cannot provide consistent support. And now, the coronavirus impacts all!

By Naimul Karim

DHAKA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - As climate change drives men in Asia and Africa to abandon their farms and search for jobs further afield, women back home are getting little help to cope with harsher working conditions, putting their wellbeing at risk, researchers said on Monday.

A report from Britain's University of East Anglia (UEA) said the burden on women is increasing as they are left to take care of their children and land, while men who leave cannot provide consistent support.

"Male migration has been seen as an adaptation strategy for climate change - but from a gender perspective, it is not helping in household maintenance and survival," said UEA professor Nitya Rao, the report's lead author. 


Gender-Responsive Approach to Global Economic Recovery - Industries Post-COVID-19

Green Growth Knowledge Platform


28 MAY 2020 - What most crises have in common is that they hit the most vulnerable and marginalized populations—among which women are disproportionally represented—the hardest. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women, especially those facing multiple forms of discrimination related to poverty, race or disability, is increasingly being documented. As reported in the UN Secretary General’s Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women, and captured widely through media reports, women and girls globally suffer more from the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19, simply by virtue of their gender.


COVID-19 Pandemic & Its Impact for Victims & Survivors of Trafficking in Persons

The current COVID-19 outbreak has drastically affected the lives of millions around the globe. While health responses are a priority, concerns have emerged on the short and long-term impact that the pandemic and the measures taken to control it have and will likely have on the crime of trafficking in persons and its victims, including with respect to:

  • *Hindered access to healthcare for victims who may be more or less exposed to the virus;
  • *Exacerbating risks for already vulnerable groups of individuals, including women and girls, people on the move affected by travel restrictions, children at greater risk of family separation, as well as persons directly impacted by disruption of economic activities and reduced livelihoods options
  • *Decline in remittances, as well as disruptions to family and social safety networks;
  • *Increasing prevalence of sexual exploitation online and use of technology to facilitate criminal conduct;
  • *Hindered access to services and support for victims and survivors, due to temporarily closed shelters and disrupted services by NGOs and service providers;
  • *Diverted law enforcement resources in investigating and responding to trafficking in persons, as well as reduced inspections leading to decrease in identification of cases, including of trafficking for labour exploitation;
  • *Delayed identification of victims;
  • *Delayed access to justice, including postponement of trials, causing significant disturbances in the conduct of proceedings before criminal, civil and administrative courts to the detriment   of victims’ rights;
  • *Risks that the return of victims of trafficking to their countries of origin may be delayed or, on the contrary, precipitated, even if the persons concerned face serious health and protection risks in the countries of return.




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