Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Plural Legal Systems - Women's Challenges, Rights, Justice

Photo-Moises Saman for New York Times

Does this woman living along a mountain cave complex on the outskirts of Bamian, Afghanistan, know she has CIVIL LAW RIGHTS in her country?? She is a member of the Hazara, one of the largest ethnic groups in Afghanistan.

The due diligence principle & The role of the state: Discrimination against women in family & cultural life


“States must also address shortcomings in the formal system to make it accessible so that women may opt to use the formal system and are supported when they attempt to access the formal system.”


Fair Taxation & Fiscal Justice Are Crucial to Women's Rights & Equality

Photo: Charles Miller

Fiscal Policy – Tax justice – Gender equality – Human Rights

Women’s rights & revenues: We can’t have gender equality without fiscal justice

Kate Donald is Director of the Human Rights in Development program at CESR, and the co-founder & blog editor of Women for Tax Justice

Tax justice campaigns have been steadily building steam in recent years, while global campaigns like Oxfam’s Even It Up have captured and further catalyzed outrage about growing economic inequality. Of course, the link between inequality and tax is far from coincidental or tangential, tax policy being a crucial determinant of socio-economic disparities.

In recent times it has become clear that fair taxation is crucial to the cause of women’s rights and equality.

At CESR, we address the four crucial functions of tax from a human rights perspective: resourcing, redistribution, representation and re-pricing. Each is potentially a powerful channel for tackling inequality: the first in terms of providing further resources for accessible and high-quality public services, the second in redistributing income and wealth more fairly, and the third by increasing the voice and power of disadvantaged people in fiscal and political affairs, while also strengthening the accountability of those in power. Fourthly, shaping positive and negative incentives through re-pricing goods and services and correcting market distortions can be a powerful tool to instill more substantive equality.


19 Days of Activism Campaign 2015 to Prevent Abuse & Violence Against Children/Youth - Call to Action - Prevention Kit +

19 Days of Activism 2015 – Press Announcement April 2015

Dear Coalition Members, Partners and Friends,

The WWSF Children-Youth Section is pleased to launch the 2015 Call to Action & Prevention Kit (5th edition) for the “19 Days of Activism for prevention of violence against children and youth 1-19 November”, a campaign ending on World Day - 19 November. The Kit includes a list of 19 abuse themes, which need urgent prevention measures, as well as information and ideas for action. The 2015 main theme is about “Bullying”.

WWSF is happy to share with you our 2015 Call to Action and Prevention Kit for you to register online your participation in the 19 Days campaign and to share your activities to prevent and end violence against children and youth - an idea whose time has come.


World Press Freedom Day May 3 - Gender & Media - Women Journalists' Commitments & Challenges

World Press Freedom Day May 3 - Gender & Media - Women Journalists' Commitments & Challenges

World press freedom day – May 3, 2015 – Themes

*Independent & Quality Media

*Gender & Media (With Special Focus on the 20th Anniversary of the Beijing Declaration & Platform for Action)

*Digital Safety for Journalists & Their Sources

Reporters Without Borders


Reporters Without Borders pays tribute to ten women journalists from the four corners of the globe, ten women with different backgrounds who have told us about their jobs, their commitment and the specific challenges and dangers they face in the course of their work.


The Right to Food - UN Human Rights Council Resolution - Gender

Multiple components important for women and girls and the Right to Food.

Website of UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Ms. Hilal Elver

United Nations - A/HRC/28/L.16

24 March 2015

Human Rights Council

Twenty-eighth session

Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development

Algeria, Andorra,* Bahrain* (on behalf of the Group of Arab States), Belarus,* Bolivia (Plurinational State of),* China, Croatia,* Cuba, Cyprus,* Ecuador,* El Salvador, Ethiopia, Greece,* Luxembourg,* Monaco,* Nicaragua,* Pakistan, Panama,* Paraguay, Peru,* Portugal, San Marino,* South Africa, Spain,* Sri Lanka,* Sudan,* Syrian Arab Republic,* Thailand,* Turkey,* Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of): draft resolution




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

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