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19 Days of Activism Campaign 2015 to Prevent Abuse & Violence Against Children/Youth - Call to Action - Prevention Kit +

19 Days of Activism 2015 – Press Announcement April 2015

Dear Coalition Members, Partners and Friends,

The WWSF Children-Youth Section is pleased to launch the 2015 Call to Action & Prevention Kit (5th edition) for the “19 Days of Activism for prevention of violence against children and youth 1-19 November”, a campaign ending on World Day - 19 November. The Kit includes a list of 19 abuse themes, which need urgent prevention measures, as well as information and ideas for action. The 2015 main theme is about “Bullying”.

WWSF is happy to share with you our 2015 Call to Action and Prevention Kit for you to register online your participation in the 19 Days campaign and to share your activities to prevent and end violence against children and youth - an idea whose time has come.

If you already have an online account with us, use it again to register this year. If not, create your account and send your provisional agenda in order for us to share it online and on the google world map to share your plans for mobilization in your community, country or region. The time is NOW to create lasting change for the well-being of our children.

We hope our suggestions for action will empower you in organizing your annual initiatives and public education outreach to your communities and constituencies. You will also find a brief update on the UN Study on Violence against Children, as well as on the mandate of the UN Special Representative of the SG on Violence against Children. This year we have joined forces with the Greek NGO Smile of the Child, an expert group on “bullying” in the European region.

WWSF campaign posters, banners, stickers, ribbons and fliers are provided for use to all online registered active coalition organizations. A special invitation will be sent to all registered members this year to join a new partnership initiative with WWSF to identify and honor local/national youth champions who are prevention leaders during the 19 Days of activism 1-19 November.

1. Children involved in armed conflict (main theme 2012)

2. Sexual abuse

3. Bullying (main theme 2015)

4. Neglect

5. Child labor

6. Corporal punishment (main theme 2011)

7. Sale of children (main theme 2013)

8. Child prostitution (main theme 2013)

9. Child pornography (main theme 2013)

10. Child trafficking

11. Child sex tourism

12. Harmful traditional practices

13. Street children

14. Discrimination based on health conditions

15. Addiction and substance abuse (main theme 2014)

16. Malnutrition

17. Dangers of ICTs

18. Abduction

19. Juvenile justice & juvenile death


Please note that your organization remains free in choosing the topic(s) of your theme(s). You are invited to register your 19 Days activities online at http://19days.woman.ch, and present your action plan on the list of all other active member organizations and on a Google map. We thank you in advance for sending us your campaign materials (posters, flyers, videos and programs) and a brief report after your annual event(s) in order to include you in the selection process for the annual WWSF Prize for innovative prevention activities. 50 organizations have been awarded to-date and are presented on our website.

For those of you who are new to 19 Days of Activism, it is an international empowerment campaign that began in 2011 as an extension of the World Day for prevention of child abuse - 19 November, a Day, which many organizations have continued to celebrate annually for the past 14 years. The 19 Days campaign is about creating widespread multi-sectoral interest and increased action for the creation of a culture for prevention. It serves as a platform to mobilize and educate the public at large, institutions, schools, NGOs, grassroots groups and faith-based organizations, as well as the media and government bodies about the pervasiveness of abuse and violence against children and youth in all settings and organize for action to end such practices.

Annual Global Impact Reports are published on our website http://19days.woman.ch/images/Globalreport/ 2014-globalimpactreport-19days-web.pdf. Please feel free to contact us with any question you may have. You can help publicize the campaign by forwarding this message to your network, including a link to the campaign on your web site, or by making a donation towards the 19 Days prevention campaign. Link:


We look forward to including you as an active coalition member in the 2015 and invite you to follow us on

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Womens-World-Summit-Foundation/123455932640 and

Twitter https://twitter.com/wwsfoundation

Elly Pradervand, WWSF Executive Director and UN Representative; Convener of the 19 Days Campaign

Campaign Organizer: WWSF Women’s World Summit Foundation – Children/Youth Section, 11 av. de la Paix - 1202 Geneva - Switzerland

Tel: +41(0)22 738 66 19 - Fax: +41(0)22 738 82 48 - E-mail: Оваа е-адреса е заштитена од спамботови. Треба да ви е овозможено JavaScript за да ја видите. , http://19days.woman.ch- http://www.woman.ch

Link to 2015 19 Days of Activism Call to Action PREVENTION KIT: http://19days.woman.ch/images/Prevention_Kit/2015_prevention_kit_en.pdf

Извор: WUNRN – 02.05.2015



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