Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Mapping Online Gender-Based Violence

Direct Link to Full 194-Page 2022 Publication:

Garrido-Mapping online gender-based violence FULL BOOK.pdf (upeace.org)

Gender based violence against women occurs in all spaces and spheres of human interaction, whether public or private, including in… technology mediated environments, such as contemporary forms of violence occurring online and in other digital environments.

Извор: WUNRN – 22.09.2022


2022 State of Civil Society Report - CIVICUS

Civil Society holding the line in contested times: 2022 CIVICUS State of Civil Society Report

Direct Link to Full 53-Page 2022 CIVICUS Report:


This report identifies five key current trends of global significance:

  1. Rising costs of fuel and food are spurring public anger and protests at economic mismanagement
  2. Democracy is under assault but positive changes are still being won
  3. Advances are being made in fighting social inequality despite attacks
  4. Civil society is keeping up the pressure for climate action
  5. Current crises are exposing the inadequacies of the international governance system

Извор: WUNRN – 18.09.2022

Reflections after HLPF, Towards the UN General Assembly - Feminist Analysis

Direct Link to Full 5-Page 2022 WMG Document:

Final Statement (womensmajorgroup.org)

Извор: WUNRN – 14.09.2022



Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

Здравствен информативен центар