Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Supporting Women's Empowerment through Green Policies & Finance - OECD

The OECD brings together Member countries and a range of partners that collaborate on key global issues at national, regional and local levels. Through our standards, programmes and initiatives, we help drive and anchor reform in more than 100 countries around the world, building on our collective wisdom and shared values.

Direct Link to Full 51-Page OECD 2022 Policy Paper:

Supporting Women’s Empowerment through Green Policies and Finance (oecd-ilibrary.org)

Women and girls tend to often be disproportionately impacted by climate change and other environmental challenges, especially in developing countries. This OECD Environment Policy Paper tells about the role of green policies, finance and infrastructure planning in supporting women’s empowerment, as well as how gender equality and environmental goals can be mutually reinforcing.


Protecting Newsrooms & Journalists Against Online Violence - Gender

Direct Link to Full 46-Page 2022 IWMF Guide:


Online abuse disproportionately affects women and diverse journalists, who often do not hold upper management positions and are often reluctant to report harassment. As a result, management may be unaware of the damage online attacks are doing both to staff and to the media outlet. By raising awareness of what online violence is and how it impacts staff and press freedom, the newsroom will be in a better place to protect against it.


The Impacts of COVID-19 on Migration & Migrants from a Gender Perspective

This research report explores and critically examines the short- and longer-term gender implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on migration and the well-being of migrants worldwide. This research report aims to inform ongoing policy and programmatic responses to the pandemic and highlights best practices and challenges. The report analyses the gender impacts of COVID-19 on different “groups” of migrants, including health-care workers, agricultural and domestic migrant workers, internally displaced persons and international students, and assesses migrant vulnerabilities as well as the opportunities for gender-responsive migration governance that have been revealed by the pandemic.

  • Foreword
  • Acknowledgements
  • List of tables and figures
  • Introduction


EU - GREVIO Review Baseline Evaluation Reports on Monitoring Istanbul VAW Convention

Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (CETS No. 210): Full list (coe.int)

GREVIO – About - GREVIO (coe.int)

Direct Link to Full 164-Page 2022 GREVIO Council of Europe VAW Report: 1680a58499 (coe.int)

Извор: WUNRN – 23.09.2022




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