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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








The City We Need 2.0: Towards a New Urban Paradigm - Cities for WOMEN

“We, Urban Thinkers of the World Urban Campaign, here present a new urban paradigm for the 21st century. Committed to sustainable urbanization for a better future, we share our vision with the world before the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III). This vision builds on the Habitat Agenda, the 2030 Development Agenda, and the outcomes of COP 21, in which we have participated actively. The City We Need 2.0 is a manifesto prepared through the contributions of more than 7596 men and women from 113 countries and 2251 organizations1 , representing fourteen (14) constituent groups: Local and subnational authorities, Research and Academia, Civil Society Organizations, Grassroots organizations, Women, Parliamentarians, Children and youth, Business and industries, Foundations and philanthropies, Professionals, Trade Unions and Workers, Farmers, Indigenous people and the Media.”

Direct Link to Full 37-Page 2016 Publication:


Urbanization & Human Rights - http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Urbanization/Pages/UrbanizationHRIndex.aspx

Извор: WUNRN – 20.10.2016


Equality Between Women & Men - Council of Europe

Gender equality means an equal visibility, empowerment, responsibility and participation of women and men in all spheres of public and private life. It also means an equal access to and distribution of resources between women and men and valuing them equally. Gender equality aims to change the structures in society, which contribute to maintaining unequal power relationships between women and men. Achieving this aim is central to the protection of human rights, the functioning of democracy, respect for the rule of law, and economic growth and competitiveness. The realization of de facto equality between women and men has been high on the agenda of the work of the Council of Europe for decades. This has resulted in the development of a comprehensive legal and policy framework. However, despite the improvement of women’s legal status in Europe, effective equality is far from being a reality. Violence and discrimination persist in many areas, maintaining women and men in their traditional roles and preventing the full realization of women’s human rights.

Council of Europe – Conseil de l’Europe

Direct Link to Full 8-Page Publicationhttps://rm.coe.int/CoERMPublicCommonSearchServices/DisplayDCTMContent?documentId=090000168064f51b

Извор: WUNRN – 20.10.2016


2016 World Disasters Report - Low Spending to Prevent Disasters Exposes the Poor – Poor & Vulnerable Women

BARCELONA/DAKAR, Oct 13, 2016 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Tens of millions of people around the world are exposed to predictable and preventable disaster risks because of a lack of investment to help them deal with threats, from earthquakes to storms and conflicts, the Red Cross said. The World Disasters Report 2016, issued by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), said only 40 cents in every $100 of development aid is spent on preparing for disasters and making them less likely to happen…”Investing in resilience is the best method we have for protecting the lives, livelihoods and dignity of the world's most vulnerable people." IFRC Secretary General.

Full Article: http://news.trust.org/item/20161013090236-thh4l/

Direct Link to Full 282-Page 2016 Report:


Извор: WUNRN – 19.10.2016


ПИОМ во официјалниот извештај сокри дека должел пари на приватните пензиски фондови

Менаџментот на Фондот за пензиско осигурување го објави Извештајот за работата за минатата година, но во него нема ниту збор за минатогодишните проблеми кога беше обелоденето дека токму државниот фонд не уплаќал пари за членовите во приватните пензиски фондови, што е законска обврска. Сепак, во Извештајот е наведено дека парите што се уплаќале кон приватните пензиски фондови биле надоместувани од државниот буџет.  

„Овие средства се надоместуваат од Буџетот на Републиката“, се наведува во Извештајот на ПИОМ.

Ова го отвора прашањето дали на ваков начин менаџментот на ПИОМ , одговорноста за непрефрлањето на парите од државниот кон приватните пензиски фондови ја префрла на Владата?

Од Извештајот за минатогодишното работење се гледа дека ПИОМ на приватните пензиски фондови требало да им префрли 77 милиони евра. Но, на крајот на минатата годината приватните пензиски фондови се пожалија дека ПИОМ им должи 13 милиони евра.




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