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Pregnancy Problems Are the Leading Global Killer of Females Ages 15 to 19 - WHO

A labour ward for teenage expectant mothers in Caracas, Venezuela. Photograph: Graeme Robertson for the Guardian

By Nicola Davis - 16 May 2017

Pregnancy complications are the leading cause of death globally among females aged 15-19, with self-harm in second place, a global study has found.

More than 1.2 million female and male adolescents die annually, the World Health Organization (WHO) report said – the majority from preventable causes including mental health issues, poor nutrition, reproductive health problems and violence.

The authors said that failing to tackle the health of 10- to 19-year-olds could undermine the improvements achieved in maternal and child health worldwide, pointing out that too often adolescent health was overlooked.


FGM - Economics of Female Genital Mutilation - Call for Research & Resources to Eradicate & End the Lifelong Tragic Human Costs for Women & Girls

The Economics of Female Genital Mutilation: A Draft Agenda for Research and Action

By Hilary Burrage, Author of 2 Books on FGM – Activist - https://hilaryburrage.com/

Female genital mutilation is a long entrenched facet of the economic infrastructure of many traditional societies.  It is also hugely expensive, both in the usual financial sense of expenditure and opportunity costs, and in the sense of tragic costs to human life and well-being.

This paper will explore some ideas around what is currently acknowledged about the economics of FGM at the local, national and international levels. The focus will then turn to what has not as yet been explored in significant depth.

What are the consequences of FGM in terms of human resources squandered through ill-health and early death?  How much diversion of individual nations’ economic investments, and of global humanitarian effort, does FGM incur? What other fiscal and welfare detriments do the costs of FGM impose?


Women & Sports - Achievements & Challenges

Professor Shirley Randell, Ambassador Women’s International Cricket League (WICL)

Issues Related to Women’s Sport in Australia and around the World

As Ambassador for the Women’s International Cricket League (WICL) I was pleased to make a contribution to this year’s United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UN CSW61) parallel sessions in New York. Given my ambassadorial role with WICL my presentation concentrated on cricket, highlighting the experience of three wonderful women cricketers. Cathia Uwamahoro (photo) captain of the Rwanda Women’s Cricket Team, was born in 1993 in Kigali Rwanda. Her father was killed in the genocide against the Tutsi when she was six months old, and her single mother Cathia raised her. In 2008, she passed a group of boys playing and became interested.




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