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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Internal Displacement Global Report 2017 - IDP Women & Girls

Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre – Norwegian Refugee Council

Direct Link to Full 129-Page 2017 Report:


The 2017 Global Report on Internal Displacement  presents the latest data and trends of internal displacement by conflict and disasters worldwide, and includes spotlights on countries, regions and issues of particular concern. The focus of the GRID 2017 is on the connections between internal and cross-border displacement, the factors that force internally displaced people (IDPs) across borders, and the issue of refugees being returned home, sometimes against their will, only to become internally displaced again. Despite the fact that IDPs outnumber refugees by two to one, internal displacement is still neglected as an issue of global concern. There were 31.1 million new cases of internal displacement brought on by conflict, violence and disasters in 2016. This is the equivalent of one person forced to flee every second


Women, Food, Land: Exploring Rule of Law Linkages: Using Law to Strengthen Food Security & Land Rights for Women

IDLO’s report provides an overview of the relationship between gender equality, food security and the rule of law. It examines a number of the key challenges that affect women’s food security and land rights - inadequate laws and policies, implementation failures and barriers to accessing justice - and suggests ways in which rule of law programs might seek to overcome them. The report lays out a series of recommendations aimed at strengthening the synergies between the rule of law and gender equality within sustainable development programs to ensure food security for everyone. The recommendations are underpinned by promising practices in using the rule of law to ensure gender equality, land rights and food security for women around the world.

Direct Link to Full 44-Page 2016 IDLO Publication - IDLO – International Development Law Organization


Reducing the Gender Gaps Would Significantly Benefit Women, Society & The Economy - ILO Report

Direct Link to Full 66-Page ILO Report: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---inst/documents/publication/wcms_557245.pdf

Report Available in Multiple Languages.


New ILO report shows closing the gender gaps by 25 per cent by 2025 could add US$ 5.8 trillion to the global economy and boost tax revenue.

14 June 2017 - GENEVA (ILO News) – Gender gaps remain one of the most pressing challenges facing the world of work. Women are substantially less likely than men to participate in the labour market, and once in the job market, they are less likely than men to find a job and the quality of employment they do find remains a key concern, a new ILO report shows.
Helping women access the labour market is nevertheless an important first step. Yet, in 2017, the global labour force participation rate for women – at just over 49 per cent – is nearly 27 percentage points lower than the rate for men (table 1), and is forecast to remain unchanged in 2018.


Abuse of Older People on the Rise - 1 in 6 Affected - Study - Older Women

The Lancet Study – 28 Countries: http://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X(17)30006-2/fulltext

World Health Organization – WHO


14 June 2017 | GENEVA - Around 1 in 6 older people experience some form of abuse, a figure higher than previously estimated and predicted to rise as populations age worldwide.

A new study, supported by WHO and published in the Lancet Global Health, has found that almost 16% of people aged 60 years and older were subjected to either psychological abuse (11.6%), financial abuse (6.8%), neglect (4.2%), physical abuse (2.6%) or sexual abuse (0.9%). The research draws on the best available evidence from 52 studies in 28 countries from different regions, including 12 low- and middle-income countries.




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

Здравствен информативен центар