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Making Trade Work for Gender Equality - GADN

Direct Link to Full 12-PAGE 2017 Publication:


Trade has the potential to advance gender equality and realise women’s rights by expanding decent work opportunities for women and contributing to sustainable and equitable economic development. However, in many cases this potential has not been fulfilled; trade, and the agreements that establish its rules, have impacted negatively on the lives of many women. In this briefing, we discuss these concerns and present recommendations to governments on how to develop trade agreements that promote gender equality.

Gender & Development Network (GADN) Gender Equality & Macroeconomics Project:


Извор: WUNRN – 05.07.2017


UN Must End “Toxic Tolerance” of Sexual Abuse of Aid Workers, Says UN Deputy High Commissioner

By Sophie Edwards - 27 June 2017

A top United Nations official has criticized aid bosses for failing to protect staff from sexual abuse and harassment at the hands of fellow aid workers and said there can be “no more excuses” for allowing such a culture of “toxic tolerance” to carry on.

Kate Gilmore, Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights at the U.N., called on humanitarian workers to campaign against what she described as the “systemic calamity” and “hypocrisy” within the industry, which has allowed widespread abuse against female workers to go unpunished for years.

Her comments come after two advocacy groups, the Humanitarian Women’s Network and Report the Abuse — as well as the Feinstein International Center at Tufts University — put forward research that shows a startlingly high number of women claim to have experienced harassment or sexual violence at the hands of their male colleagues at some point in their careers.


UN Experts Call for Resistance as Battle over Women’s Rights Intensifies

GENEVA (28 June 2017) - Women’s rights are facing an alarming backlash in many parts of the world, and it is critically important to press on with further setting of standards on gender equality, a group of UN independent experts* has warned.

“The world is at a crossroads, with the very concept of gender equality being increasingly contested in some quarters,” said the experts.

“We feel it is time to reiterate the backlash against the progress which has been made in promoting and protecting women’s human rights. The polarization in the battle for rights is being demonstrated increasingly, and regressive positions have become a serious threat to the human rights legal framework.




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

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