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European Parliament adopts strong report on post-2015 framework

The  European Parliament adopted report on the “EU and the global development framework after 2015”on November 11th.The report, authored by Croatian centre-right MEP Davor Ivo Stier, plays a key role in establishing the European Parliament’s position for negotiations on the global development framework after 2015. It promotes the human rights-based approach and the central role of women and girls as important pillars in the post-2015 framework. It calls for an inclusion of  ambitious targets related to the rights of women and girls, including their sexual and reproductive health and rights,  and stresses the need for universal access to health services, including family planning. In addition, it promotes non-discrimination of the most vulnerable people in society, as well as research and innovation in responding to global health challenges.

The report was adopted with a majority of 541 votes in favour, 96 votes against and 21 abstentions.

REPORT On the EU and the global development framework after 2015 (2014/2143(INI)

Извор: WUNRN – 27.11.2014




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