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Gender & Development Special Issue on CARE

This issue of Gender & Development explores care from a gender perspective. Care is a social good; it not only sustains and reproduces society, but also underpins all development progress. Yet the vast majority of care work is done free, at home; and it is widely seen as a female responsibility. This gender division of labour has profound implications for women and girls – both in terms of their daily lives and options, and their status in society. Writers in this issue explore women’s experience of care work in different contexts from a feminist perspective, highlighting the impact that care work has for their lives, choices and wellbeing, and for the institutions of family, state and market – all of which lose out through unsustainable arrangements for care. Authors share innovative policy, advocacy and programme experience from different development organisations aiming to ensure care is shared more equitably. The goal is for care work to be divided fairly between the sexes, and between the household and other social institutions, including the state.     

More information

Извор: WUNRN – 20.11.2014



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