Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Time of Great Challenges for Women Human Rights Defenders Protection, Security, Support

In these times of armed conflict, war, abductions, graphic abuse of women and girls, imprisonment, executions....human rights defenders are at exceedingly high risk. Women human rights defenders are particularly vulnerable for sexual violence, exclusion, repudiation. We as advocates have organized multiple global interventions to put pressure to protect the rights of human rights defenders. But, in the women's movement, some of the trusted ways of applying international pressure and visibility as press releases, monitoring including trials, petitions, social media, letters of support, communications with politicians, public statements, public and private media coverage when possible, collaborative statements, and engagement of multinational government/diplomatic actions, are not getting the results that are vitally needed. We see the intersectionalities of political power, religious controls, and increasingly private sector profit domination, and the impacts on human rights defenders, and assuredly women. We see women defenders in media suppressed, attacked. Powers decide which human rights defender situations get attention, support......

This could well be a time of challenge to explore more ways to protect all, and especially women human rights defenders, and see that their rights are upheld. In many ways the issues of human rights defenders come down to Who Rules, Who Has Power. And still we say, Bring Back Our Nigeria Abducted School Girls....

This song and video by Tanggol Bayi in The Philippines is a haunting reality

Извор: WUNRN – 27.10.2014




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Човекови права во здравствена заштита

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