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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








4th International Conference on the Survivors of Rape

Lisbon, Portugal - November 20-22, 2014

The Associação de Mulheres contra a Violência (AMCV - Association of Women against Violence) is organizing in collaboration with Rape Crises Network Ireland (RCNI) the IV International Conference on Survivals of Rape (ICSoR) which will take place in November 20th - 22nd 2014 in Lisbon, Portugal.

AMCV is delighted to welcome you to the IV ICSoR 2014 under the theme Rape, Survivors, Policies and Support Systems, a European Challenge, expecting to achieve the quality of the previous conferences, which dealt with survivors needs and treatment, impact of rape on survivors, including children and adolescents, multidisciplinary approach:

  • I ICSoR 2008 A Multidisciplinary Approach, held in Aarhus - Denmark, and organized by The Sexual Assault Centre and Aarhus University Hospital;

  • II ICSoR 2010 A Multidisciplinary Approach, held in Utrecht - Netherlands, and organized by the University Medical Center of Utrecht and National Psychotrauma Center;

  • III ICSoR 2012 Survivors at the Heart and the West of Ireland, held in Dublin - Ireland, and organized by Rape Crises Network Ireland.

This biennial event is an opportunity to join professionals from different fields and backgrounds from all over the world to discuss and reflect about the praxis, to share good practices and find new approaches centred on the survivors needs.

With IV ICSoR 2014, we hope to contribute to the continuing improvement of the knowledge of the impact of Rape on Survivals and the work of the experts, researches and support systems.

Moreover the 2014 Conference will introduce the issue related with the fulfilment of the State's due diligence obligations to prevent Human Rights violations and specifically rape.

The conference is an excellent opportunity to meet colleagues from all over the world, and to create an opportunity for collaboration and learning.

Lisbon is an illuminated and welcoming city and we hope that you enjoy a trip to our city as much we enjoy hosting you. The Conference will be held at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, which offers to the visitors beautiful gardens that are a reference to the landscape architecture. Moreover the Foundation has an Art Museum and a Modern Art Centre where visitors can find a variety of exhibitions and cultural activities.

We would like to wish you a pleasant stay in Lisbon and a fruitful conference. We also would like to thank all those who contribute to the success of the conference, including keynote speakers, speakers, scientific committee and honour committee.

More information

 Извор: WUNRN – 12.10.2014




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