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World Bank Declines to Adopt a Mandatory Gender Policy - Gender Action Review

Gender Action demonstrates in its Gender Review and Recommendations on the World Bank Environmental and Social Framework: Setting Standards for Sustainable Development (Draft) that from a gender perspective the Draft, updating the Bank’s two decades-old Safeguard Policies, is hugely disappointing in two ways: First, its proposed Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs) do not include a freestanding mandatory gender standard. Second, the Draft does not even “mainstream” gender issues.

Civil society provided strong gender inputs into the Bank’s Phase 1 safeguard review consultations to ensure that the new safeguards include the Bank’s first freestanding mandatory gender standard. The Draft ignored these civil society inputs. Bank officials promised that the Draft would mainstream gender but it does not.

Gender Action’s Review contains quantitative and qualitative analyses of the World Bank Environmental and Social Standards. The qualitative analysis also provides constructive examples of how to  mainstream gender into the existing Draft standards

Gender Review and Recommendations on the: World Bank Environmental and Social Framework: Setting Standards for Sustainable Development (First Draft)

 Извор: WUNRN – 06.10.2014



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