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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Gender, economic, social & ecological justice for sustainable development: Feminist declaration for post 2015

As  the  United  Nations  decides on  the  future  course  of  international  development Post 2015,  women  of  all  ages,  identities,  ethnicities,  cultures and  across  sectors  and regions,  are  mobilizing for gender,  social,  cultural,  economic  and  ecological justice, sustainable  development  and  inclusive  peace.  We  seek  fundamental structural  and transformational  changes  to  the  current  neoliberal,  extractivist  and  exclusive development  model  that  perpetuates  inequalities  of  wealth,  power  and resources between  countries,  within  countries and  between  men  and  women.  We challenge  the  current  security  paradigm  that  increases  investments  in  the  military-­industrial  complex, which  contributes  to  violent  conflict  between  and  within  countries. We  demand  a  paradigm  transformation  from the  current  neoliberal  economic  model of development,  which  prioritizes  profit  over  people,  and  exacerbates  inequalities,  war and  conflict,  militarism,  patriarchy,  environmental  degradation  and  climate  change. Instead,  we call  for  economic  models  and  development  approaches  that  are  firmly rooted  in  principles  of human  rights and environmental  sustainability,  that  address inequalities between  people and  states,  and  that  rebalance  power  relations  for  justice so  that  the  result  is sustained peace,  equality,  the autonomy  of  peoples,  and the preservation  of  the planet.

Gender,  Economic,  Social and  Ecological  Justice  for  Sustainable  Development – A Feminist  Declaration  for Post  2015

Извор: WUNRN – 26.08.2014




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