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The International Budget Partnership Response to the Open Working Group’s “Zero Draft rev 1” on Sustainable Development Goals

The International Budget Partnership (IBP) collaborates with civil society around the world to ensure that scarce public resources are used to reduce poverty and promote effective governance. Our experience, as well as a growing body of evidence, shows that when citizens have access to information and opportunities to participate in the policy and budget process they can help to improve service delivery and strengthen oversight, resulting in substantive improvements in poverty and development outcomes.

The IBP and its civil society partners from 60 countries congratulate the United Nations’ Open Working Group (OWG) on the latest draft of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We endorse the recommended goals and targets in the revised zero draft that emphasize greater transparency, public participation (16.4), and accountability (16.9) in development efforts, in particular target 16.7 that seeks to “promote free and easy access to information, freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly.”

We are, however, extremely concerned about the removal of the specific reference to access to information on public financial management, procurement, and national development plans from the list of enumerated targets in focus area 16. The previous version of the zero draft included the following specific target: “by 2020 improve public access to information and government data, including on public finance management, public procurement and on the implementation of national development plans.”

Unfortunately, the italicized text no longer appears in the draft issued on 30 June 2014. 

This memo sets out the basis of our concern and proposes two alternative solutions to address the issue.

Read the whole statement on the following link: http://internationalbudget.org/wp-content/uploads/IBP-Statement-to-UN-OWG-10-July-2014.pdf

Извор: IBP




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