Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Linking women & poverty, food sovereignty & security, & sexual & reproductive health & rights

Linking poverty and food (in)security. The four pillars for food security are availability, access, utilisation, and stability. This means that all people at all times have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active healthy life.The links between poverty and food insecurity are also straightforward. A poor individual is less likely to have access to adequate food, especially when food has to be purchased. Even when food is cultivated, because food needs to be sold in the market, poor landless farmers, tend to be food and nutrition insecure.This phenomenon has been exacerbated with the corporatisation of the agriculture sector, where the farmers are losing their lands to corporations, have less access and control over their seeds, are forced to mono-crop and have to switch from food crops to cash crops. Dumping of subsidised and poor quality food in developing countries also affects rural farmers. Women farmers (who are not even counted as farmers) often bear the greatest brunt because of lack of access to vital resources that enable them to farm, and to have to bear the additional burden of reproduction and caregiving. Food security encompasses nutrition security. A food secure, non-poor person may still have nutritionally inadequate caloric intake as for various reasons they may not consume adequate or appropriate food. Despite living in times of food surplus, an estimated 870 million people, accounting to one in eight, suffer from chronic undernourishment.

Linking Poverty, Food Sovereignty and Security, and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Извор: WUNRN – 11.07.2014



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