Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Reconciling work and private life - Women

A balanced work and private life is important for a healthy workplace.

Research shows that employees with higher levels of work-family conflict suffer up to 12 times more often from burnout and can experience up to three times more depression or other psychological problems as workers with a better work-life balance.

To create a more family-friendly work environment has been for a long time on the European policy agenda. Article 33 the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union refers to the concept of work-life balance.

Directives, Recommendations and other related instruments concerning gender equality, working time arrangements and maternity/paternity leave have been adopted. Some of the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiatives also impact on work and family life.

In this Keysource you will find selected information sources giving background information to this complex issue. Overviews, analytical papers and articles, comparative country information, stakeholders’ views, related legislative acts and statistical sources guide you through EU and national measures facilitating the reconciliation of private and professional life.


Work-life balance: Measures to help reconcile work, private and family life / Davies, Ron, EPRS briefing, 28 May 2013, 6 p.
An overview of family-related policies and EU measures aimed at helping families to balance their private and professional lifes.

Family issues and work-life balance, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, E-facts 57, 2012, 8 p.
This factsheet gives a short introduction to the subject and lists some practical advice on how to cope better with the work-life challenge.


A balancing act? Work–life balance, health and well-being in European welfare states, European Journal of Public Health, First published online: 24 February 2014 (abstract only)
This study aims to analyze how negative work-life balance influences public health in Europe.

EU work–family policies : challenging parental roles or reinforcing gendered stereotypes? / Weldon-Johns, Michelle, European law journal: review of European law in context, Vol. 19 (2013), no. 5, p. 662-681
This article focuses on two EU directives– the Pregnant Workers Directive and the Parental Leave Directive– from a gender point of view.

More information on this link 

Извор: WUNRN – 04.07.2014




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