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Call for a UN convention on the rights of older people - Petition - June 15 world elder abuse awareness day

Sign petition for a un convention on the rights of older people

Why Do We Need a UN Convention?

Age discrimination and ageism are tolerated across the world. Older people experience discrimination and violation of their rights at a family, community and institutional level.

Unprecedented demographic ageing means that the number of people who may experience age discrimination and violation of their rights in old age is likely to increase.

Older people have specific requirements which are necessary to guarantee their rights. However, existing human rights instruments do not adequately articulate what they are. Neither do they clarify governments' obligations to protect older people's rights.

As a result, attention to older people's rights by human rights monitoring mechanisms, governments, the human rights community and civil society has been completely inadequate and older people's rights are not being sufficiently protected.

What Would a Convention Do?

A convention on the rights of older people would protect older people's rights under international law. It would also:

  • Provide a definitive, universal position that age discrimination and ageism are morally and legally unacceptable,

  • Provide clarity on governments' human rights obligations towards older people,

  • Create an enforceable monitoring mechanism to hold those in authority to account for their actions towards older people,

  • Put age discrimination and older people's rights higher up on governments', donors' and NGOs' agendas,

  • Encourage a shift in attitude from older people being considered recipients of welfare to rights holders with responsibilities.

Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women - General recommendations

CEDAW Committee general recommendation on older women & protection of their human rights

Извор: WUNRN – 14.06.2014




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