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16 Days Campaign on Violence Against Women 2013 Analytical Summary

The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign (16 Days Campaign) is an international global advocacy campaign coordinated since 1991 by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL)1. Running annually for sixteen days between November 25 (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) to December 10 (Human Rights Day) as a way to highlight the continued marginalization of and violence against women as human rights issues, the 16 Days Campaign was a mobilizing tool in 2013 for activists raising awareness and demanding action at the local, national, regional, and international levels. In its role as global coordinator of the 16 Days Campaign, CWGL coordinated with these activists through information sharing, advocacy resources such as the Take Action Kit, microblogging through Twitter and Facebook, and linking activists’ voices with other participants through a Tumblr blog.

Through the 16 Days listserv, CWGL shared daily updates with participants and other stakeholders dedicated to increasing the spotlight on gender-based violence through community mobilization, information sharing and coalition building, engaging with policy-makers, and using media and art, among other mediums. In 2013 grassroots activists, feminist, women’s social justice and human rights organizations, national ministries, and international organizations and entities of the United Nations came together with others in local communities to raise the cry for an end to gender-based violence.

This summary analyzes the scope of the 2013 16 Days Campaign and provides an overview of participation and activities. Reflected in the summary is information gathered through correspondence with participants, Take Action Kit requests, events posted on the Campaign Calendar, Google alerts, and the 16 Days Post-Campaign Survey. While the summary is based on these sources, it does not reflect the full breadth of global events that were organized and took place in 2013.

16 Days Campaign on Violence Against Women 2013 Analytical Summary

Извор: WUNRN – 06.05.2014




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