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An In-depth Look At The Funding Landscape For Women’s Rights And The Powerful Impact Of Resources In The Hands Of Women’s Organizations

AWID’s new research provides an in-depth analysis of the current funding trends and actors impacting women’s rights organizing, the financial status of women’s organizations around the world, and the collective impact of women’s rights organizations, when supported in a meaningful and strategic way, to build women’s collective power for change and advance women’s rights.

Watering the Leaves, Starving the Roots paints the funding landscape for women’s organizations, underlining key trends and offering an updated analysis of how diverse funding sectors are supporting women’s rights and gender equality. For the first time, this third report in our FundHer series (http://www.awid.org/AWID-s-Publications/Funding-for-Women-s-Rights) also includes results from an in-depth survey of 43 women’s funds as well as findings from the 2011 FundHer survey of more than 1000 women’s organizations from all regions of the world. 

One of the trends discussed in Watering the Leaves, Starving the Roots is the growing role and impact of “new actors,” including corporate sector actors, in supporting women and girls. Given the significance and prominence of this trend, we undertook expanded research, profiled in New Actors, New Money, New Conversations: A Mapping of Recent Initiatives for Women and Girls. This mapping illuminates key characteristics of 170 different partnership initiatives focused on women and girls. The report provides a preliminary analysis of opportunities, and potential challenges that many of these initiatives may encounter to create sustainable positive change in the lives of women and girls. The report also discusses considerations for forging “new conversations” with new actors going forward.

Finally, one of the questions we often hear in response to our research on funding trends for women’s organizations is, “Why does support for women’s organizations matter; isn’t it enough to support women’s empowerment through other kinds of organizations?” Women Moving Mountains, our survey of the aggregate impact of the women’s organizations that received support from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs MDG3 Fund, responds to this question by demonstrating the kind of huge reach and transformative changes that are possible when organizations working to build women’s collective power for change receive significant, strategic resources. The MDG3 Fund experience holds lessons for other funders in terms of effective, quality approaches to creating change for gender equality; as well as lessons for women’s organizations, in the power of collectively “making our case” for sustainable long-term funding.

It is our hope that the information, ideas and analysis in these reports contribute to catalyzing more and new conversations on the effective use of financial and other resources for advancing women’s rights and the crucial role and importance of women’s rights organizations in that process. We encourage and welcome feedback and questions at Оваа е-адреса е заштитена од спамботови. Треба да ви е овозможено JavaScript за да ја видите. .

Watering the Leaves, Starving the Roots: 
The Status of Financing for Women's Rights Organizing and Gender Equality

New Actors, New Money, New Conversations: 
A Mapping of Recent Initiatives for Women and Girls

Women Moving Mountains: 
The Collective Impact of the Dutch MDG3 Fund

Извор: WUNRN – 24.02.2014



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