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UNESCO Survey Warns of Virtual/Online Harassment of Women Journalists

Paris, Dec 15, 2020 (Prensa Latina) About 73% of women journalists said they have experienced online violence, a scenario also present in the lives of women reporters offline, a UNESCO survey warned on Tuesday.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) took up the issue discussed last week at the World Press Freedom Conference, which ended on December 10, on occasion of Human Rights Day.

That same day, the UNESCO survey, implemented by the International Center for Journalists, informed that 25% of women interviewed acknowledged they were victims of threats of physical violence and 18% of sexual abuse.

The problem is not limited online, as two in 10 female reporters stated they went through various attacks offline.

UNESCO launched the survey in October 2020, with participation of 900 journalists from 125 countries, a work particularly focused on the so-called Global South (made up of developing nations), in order to identify the magnitude of violence and propose response measures.

UNESCO survey warns of virtual harassment to women journalists (plenglish.com)

Извор: WUNRN – 27.12.2020




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