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Integration of Gender Equality Principles & Practices in National Climate Change Actions - Study of 196 Countries

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"Spotlight on Gender in NDCs: An analysis of Parties’ instruments, plans and actions supporting integration of gender equality principles and practices" aims to outline some of the national structures and systems in place for integrating gender into climate action and serve as a proxy baseline on the potential ability of countries to advance progress on gender-responsive action in addressing the climate crisis in conjunction with the updating and implementation of new Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

For this study of 196 countries, 168 countries provided accessible documentation to assess engagement on gender in NDCs. Of the 168 countries assessed, 56% of countries were found to be engaged in some level of processes to integrate gender or had plans across climate-relevant sectors demonstrating a foundation and platform to launch additional engagement on gender—either actively engaging, or initiating engagement.

Извор: WUNRN – 01.11.2020




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