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State of the World's Children 2014 - Make every child count - revealing disparities, advancing rights - Unicef - Girls

The approaching 25th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and culmination of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) provide critical opportunities to reexamine the commitments the world made to its children, and to reaffirm the importance of monitoring as a means to identify gaps in implementation and right the wrong of exclusion.

"Overcoming exclusion begins with inclusive data. To improve the reach, availability and reliability of data on the deprivations with which children and their families contend, the tools of collection and analysis are constantly being modified – and new ones are being developed. This will require sustained investment and commitment," the report says.

Reaching all children requires recognizing and building on the positive strides that have been made. Some 90 million children who would have died if mortality rates had stuck at their 1990 level have, instead, lived past the age of 5. However, it is also necessary to recognize that there is far more work to be done. Some 6.6 million children under 5 years of age died in 2012, mostly from preventable causes.

Data alone do not change the world. They enable change by identifying needs and providing an evidence base for action, investment and accountability. It is our UNICEF hope that this report will inform dialogue and nurture the action necessary to honour the commitments to children contained in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the MDGs, and the obligations that will be enshrined in the post-MDG agenda.

Read the full report

 Извор: WUNRN – 31.01.2014




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