Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








# StopSexism #MeToo - Council of Europe Recommendation to Prevent & Combat Sexism


Sexism is any expression (act, word, image, gesture) based on the idea that some persons, most often women, are inferior because of their sex.

Sexism is harmful.
It produces feelings of worthlessness, self-censorship, changes in behaviour, and a deterioration in health.
Sexism lies at the root of gender inequality.
It affects women and girls disproportionately.

Sexism is present in all areas of life.

63% of women journalists have been confronted with verbal abuse

Women spend almost twice as much time as men on unpaid housework (OECD countries)

80% of women stated that they have been confronted with the phenomenon of “mansplaining” and “manterrupting” at work

Men represent 75% of news sources and subjects in Europe

In the UK, 66% of 16-18-year-old girls surveyed experienced or witnessed the use of sexist language at school

59% of women in Amsterdam reported some form of street harassment

In France, 50% of young women surveyed recently experienced injustice or humiliation because they are women

In Serbia, research indicates that 76% of women in business are not taken as seriously as men

Violence sometimes starts with a joke

Individual acts of sexism may seem benign, but they create a climate of intimidation, fear and insecurity.
This leads to the acceptance of violence, mostly against women and girls.

This is why the Council of Europe has decided to act by adopting a Recommendation to prevent and combat sexism.

Sexism affects mostly women.
It can also affect men and boys when they don’t conform to stereotyped gender roles.

The harmful impact of sexism can be worse for some women and men due to their ethnicity, age, disability, social origin, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation or other factors.

Some groups of women, for example young women, politicians, journalists or public figures, are particular targets of sexism

58% of women elected to Parliament have been the target of sexist attacks on social networks

See it. Name it. Stop it.

Language and communicationMedia, Internet and social mediaWorkplacePublic sectorJusticeEducationCulture and sportPrivate sphere

Language and communication

Examples of sexism in language and communications?

The generic use of the masculine gender by a speaker (“he/his/him” to refer to an unspecific person). The cover of a publication depicting men only. The naming of a woman by the masculine term for her profession. A communication campaign including gratuitous nudity. An advertisement with a man showing a woman how to use a washing machine.

Why should it be addressed?

Language and communication matter because they make people visible or invisible and recognise or demean their contribution to society. Our language shapes our thought, and the way we think influences our actions. Gender-blind or discriminatory language reinforces sexist attitudes and behaviour.

How to prevent it?

Use both the feminine and the masculine when addressing a mixed audience. Review public communication to make sure it uses gender-sensitive language and imagery. Produce manuals on gender-sensitive communication for different audiences. Promote research in this area.

Council of Europe


Извор: WUNRN – 07.03.2020




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