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USA - The Gender Wage Gap By Occupation 2018 + By Race & Ethnicity

https://iwpr.org/occupational-wage-gap-2018-pr/ - April 2019

New analysis of the wage gap by occupation finds that women are five times more likely than men to work in occupations with poverty-level pay.

Direct Link to Full 9-PAGE IWPR Analysis:


Washington, DC—Women earn at least 5 cents less per dollar than men for full-time work in 108 of the 125 occupations for which there are enough data to calculate the gender wage gap, according to a new analysis released today, Equal Pay Day, by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR). Women earn at least 5 cents on the dollar more than men in just five occupations. Women face the largest wage gap as securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents, where women earn just 64 cents for every dollar earned by male agents.  

The highest paid occupations generally see the largest gender gaps: almost all of the ten occupations with the largest gender wage gaps having earnings above $886, the median weekly earnings for all full-time workers. By contrast, women are most likely to out-earn men in fast food service, where women earn $1.15 for every dollar earned by men, where median weekly earnings for all workers are just $436.

The analysis finds racial disparities compound gender inequality in the labor market. A quarter of Hispanic women work in ‘service’ occupations, with median weekly earnings for full-time work of just $489, less than the federal poverty threshold for a family of four. Service work has the lowest earnings for workers of each of the largest racial and ethnic groups, but Hispanic women service workers are even less likely to be in the better paid jobs in the field and their median weekly earnings are only 65 percent of White men service workers. Service workers include cleaning and maintenance, protective services, food preparation and service, health care support, and personal care services.

Извор: WUNRN – 03.04.2019




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