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Impact of Economic Reforms & Austerity Measures on Women's Human Rights

14 September 2018 -  By Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, UN Independent Expert on the Effects of Foreign Debt and Other Related Financial Obligations of States on the Full Enjoyment of All Human Rights, Particularly Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - Independent Expert Website - https://www.ohchr.org/en/issues/development/iedebt/pages/iedebtindex.aspx

Direct Link to Full 23-Page Independent Expert Report: http://www.undocs.org/en/A/73/179

The UN Independent Expert on Foreign Debt just released his latest report to the UN General Assembly on Gender and Austerity, to which CADTM has contributed. The report is part of his larger piece of work on developing guiding principles on human rights impact assessments of macroeconomic reform programmes. It makes a strong case for conducting gender impact assessments of economic policies.


Извор: WUNRN – 06.11.2018




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