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Trafficking in Persons Report 2018



"This year’s report focuses on effective ways local communities can address human trafficking proactively and on how national governments can support and empower them. Local communities are the most affected by this abhorrent crime and are also the first line of defense against human trafficking. By engaging and training law enforcement, religious leaders, teachers, tribal elders, business executives, and communities, we become more vigilant and learn to identify and address vulnerabilities swiftly. Proactive community-driven measures strengthen our ability to protect our most vulnerable and weaken a criminal’s ability to infiltrate, recruit, and exploit. I have experienced firsthand that individuals closest to a problem are often the best resource to solving it, which is why the Department prioritizes equipping and empowering front-line civil society leaders.

"Modern slavery has no place in the world, and I intend to ensure, through diplomatic engagement and increased action, that the United States government’s leadership in combating this global threat is sustained in the years to come." – Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo

The 2018 Trafficking in Persons Report is available in PDF and HTML formats. The PDF is available as a complete one-piece file and as individual sections for easier download. To view the PDF files, you will need to download, at no cost, the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

To request a hard copy of the 2018 Trafficking in Persons Report, please email Оваа е-адреса е заштитена од спамботови. Треба да ви е овозможено JavaScript за да ја видите. and provide your mailing address. Please note that due to high demand, your order may not be processed right away.

PDF Format

Trafficking in Persons Report 2018 -- Complete Report (PDF)
Introductory Material (PDF)
Country Narratives: A-C (PDF)
Country Narratives: D-I (PDF)
Country Narratives: J-M (PDF)
Country Narratives: N-S (PDF)
Country Narratives: T-Z and Special Case (PDF)
Relevant International Conventions/Closing Material (PDF)

HTML Format

Message From the Secretary of State
Message From the Acting Director
Local Solutions to a Global Problem: Supporting Communities in the Fight Against Human Trafficking
Victims' Stories

Topics of Special Interest

Confronting Human Trafficking at the Provincial Level: A Focus on Ontario, Canada
After Human Trafficking: Successful Models That Promote Resilience and Provide Lasting Protections for Survivors
Child Institutionalization and Human Trafficking
Implementing a Trauma-Informed Approach
How Governments Address Domestic Servitude in Diplomatic Households
Promising Practices in the Eradication of Trafficking in Persons: Tracking Suspicious Financial Flows
Multilateral Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking Through Global and Regional Engagement

The Face of Modern Slavery
Child Soldiers Prevention Act List
Countries That Are Not States Parties to the Protocol
Global Law Enforcement Data
TVPA Minimum Standards
2018 TIP Report Heroes
Tier Placements and Regional Maps
How To Read a Country Narrative (PDF)
Country Narratives
Relevant International Conventions
Stopping Human Trafficking, Sexual Exploitation, and Abuse by International Peacekeepers & Civilian Personnel
International, Regional, and Sub-Regional Organizations Combating Trafficking In Persons
Glossary of Abbreviations
Photo Credits
Closing Note

Fact Sheets

Child Institutionalization and Human Trafficking [ PDF version   ]
Child Protection Compact Partnerships [ PDF version   ]
How Governments Address Domestic Servitude in Diplomatic Households [ PDF version   ]
Implementing a Trauma-Informed Approach [ PDF version   ]
International Programs To Combat Trafficking in Persons [ PDF version   ]
Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons: An Overview [ PDF version   ]
Protecting Victims From Wrongful Prosecution and Further Victimization [ PDF version   ]
Strengthening Protections Against Trafficking in Persons in Public Procurement [ PDF version   ]
The 3Ps: Prosecution, Protection, and Prevention [ PDF version   ]
Tracking Suspicious Financial Activity To Address Human Trafficking [ PDF version   ]

Извор: WUNRN – 28.06.2018




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