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Systemic Barriers, Sustainable Development, & The Diversity of Rural Women & Girls - Zero Draft Recommendations - CSW 62

Read NGO CSW/NY's Zero Draft Recommendations

Systemic Barriers, Sustainable Development and the Diversity of Rural Women and Girls

The CSW62 Outcome Document and why it matters!

NGO CSW/NY is pleased to share Systemic Barriers, Sustainable Development and the Diversity of Rural Women and Girls—Zero Draft Recommendations with you.  This document has been prepared and distributed to members of the CSW Bureau, UN Women and other member states.


The Outcome Document establishes a legal framework work for gender equality that member states agree to support at the conclusion of the CSW.   UN Agencies, Member States and NGOs use the Outcome Document as a resource and standard for policy-making and programming on the topics covered in the Document.  Five years ago the CSW57 priority theme was Rural Women, and there was no outcome document.

Civil society, therefore, was concerned that this time we educate ourselves about the concerns of rural women so that we can more effectively offer our expertise. We began by reading the SG report, the UN Women's Concept Note and the Expert Group papers. Through a series of bimonthly meetings and international phone conferences, we put together this document with different groups of women taking the lead on researching different concerns of rural women. We wanted to listen to rural women, and do the preparation for a successful Outcome Document that is representative of the needs of rural women.

NGO CSW/NY worked with about 80 individuals and organizations to put together this document. Our recommendations are all linked to SDG targets. As soon as the Zero Draft is printed, we will meet and be ready with specific language, precedent and best practices.

NGO CSW/NY feels strongly that the SDGs and the Outcome Document will not be implemented without the expertise and grassroots work of NGOs. Systemic Barriers, Sustainable Development and the Diversity of Rural Women and Girls links all recommendations to the SDGs.  It is a working document; we will continue to add language and factsheets supported by other UN documents. 

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More information can be found at: https://www.ngocsw.org 

Please email  Оваа е-адреса е заштитена од спамботови. Треба да ви е овозможено JavaScript за да ја видите.  with any questions and concerns you may have. 

Извор: WUNRN – 13.01.2018




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