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Global Slavery Index - Women & Children: Tragedy of Modern Day Slavery

Europe Records Biggest Rise in Slavery Due to Vulnerable Migrants - Global Index

London, Aug 10, 2017(Thomson Reuters Foundation) - The European Union recorded the largest increase in slavery of any world region in 2017, with the arrival of more than 100,000 migrants, many of them extremely vulnerable to exploitation, analysts said on Thursday………Globally there are 21 million people in forced labour, including children, in a business worth $150 billion a year, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO)……..


The Global Slavery Index provides a map, country by country, of the estimated prevalence of modern slavery, together with information about the steps each government has taken to respond to this issue. This information allows an objective comparison and assessment of both the problem and adequacy of the response in 167 countries.

Direct Link to Full 216-Page Report

FULL ARTICLE: http://news.trust.org/item/20170810000501-ntdiw/

Извор: WUNRN – 10.08.2017




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