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2017 Global Forum on Migration & Development - Civil Society Days - Women in Migration Issue Documents

June 28, 2017 - The tenth edition of the Global Forum on Migration & Development was held from 28-30 June 2017 in Berlin, Germany. 

The Civil Society Days take place from 29 June to July 1, to be followed by the People’s Global Action on Migration, Development and Human Rights (PGA).  The Women in Migration Network has a strong presence in each of these meetings.

Berenice Valdez Rivera, Instituto para las Mujeres en la Migración (IMUMI) of Mexico is civil society co-chair of the Civil Society Days, and Carolina Gottardo of Australia is the Women Rapporteur.  Both are WIMN members.  A delegation of 26 members will represent WIMN concerns at the Civil Society Days, meet with member states on the Common Space Day, and attend the PGA.  In addition, WIMN will co-host a side event with UN Women on 30 June, Strategic Approaches for a Gender- Responsive Global Compact for Migration.  Monami Maulik of the Global Coalition on Migration and Jille Belisario of the Transnational Migrant Platform are co-conveners of the PGA.  WIMN is a member of the Global Coalition on Migration and a part of the International Planning Committee for the PGA.

In preparation for the GFMD, which focuses this year on inputs to the Global Compact on Migration, the Women in Migration Network has launched ten Issue Briefs, highlighting key concerns and recommendations for a strong, human rights based and gender-responsive Global Compact.  OPEN HYPERLINKS BELOW

1.     General Concerns

2.     Women’s Agency

3.     Push Factors

4.     Racial Discrimination and Xenophobia

5.     Regularisation

6.     Criminalisation & Firewalls

7.     Trafficking

8.     Smuggling

9.     Borders & Detention

10. Labor Migration

11. Consideraciones Generales (En Espanol)


Извор: WUNRN – 26.07.2017




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