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Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Issue: Gender & Development


Gender & Development: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Issue Out Now

At birth and death, and each day in between, human need for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) is near constant. While WASH is intensely personal, it is also about power, inequality, development and social justice. Contributors to the issue highlight the importance of WASH provision for women and girls in their own right, as carers for families and communities, and as key to women’s empowerment.

Read Editor Caroline Sweetman’s blog on the new issue  Taking a toilet break - on the railway line

Journal Contents


Introduction: gender and water, sanitation and hygiene
Caroline Sweetman and Louise Medland

No relief: lived experiences of inadequate sanitation access of poor urban women in India

Seema Kulkarni, Kathleen O’Reilly and Sneha Bhat

Mainstreaming gender in the WASH sector: dilution or distillation?

Julie Fisher, Sue Cavill and Brian Reed

Mainstreaming gender in WASH: lessons learned from Oxfam’s experience of Ebola

Simone E. Carter, Luisa Maria Dietrich and Olive Melissa Minor

Women’s environmental health activism around waste and plastic pollution in the coastal wetlands of Yucatán

Anne-Marie Hanson

Reframing women’s empowerment in water security programmes in Western Nepal

Stephanie Leder, Floriane Clement and Emma Karki

In troubled waters: water commodification, law, gender, and poverty in Bangalore

Kaveri Thara

Domesticating water supplies through rainwater harvesting in Mumbai

Cat Button

Transforming gender relations through water, sanitation, and hygiene programming and monitoring in Vietnam

Caitlin Leahy, Keren Winterford, Tuyen Nghiem, John Kelleher, Lee Leong and Juliet Willetts

‘Breaking the silence around menstruation’: experiences of adolescent girls in an urban setting in India

Shobita Rajagopal and Kanchan Mathur


Compiled by Liz Cooke

Resources List – WASH

Book Reviews

Edited by Liz Cooke

Handbook on Gender and War Simona Sharoni, Julia Welland, Linda Steiner and Jennifer Pedersen (eds.)

Reviewed by Aaliyah Hussain

Masculinity and New War: The Gendered Dynamics of Contemporary Armed Conflict David Duriesmith

Reviewed by Alexis Henshaw

A Gendered Approach to the Syrian Refugee Crisis Jane Freedman, Zeynep Kivilcim and Nurcan Özgür Baklacioğlu (eds.)
Reviewed by Jenny Enarsson

Negotiating Gender, Policy and Politics in the Caribbean: Feminist Strategies, Masculinist Resistance and Transformational Possibilities Gabrielle Jamela Hosein and Jane Parpart (eds.)

Reviewed by Roberta Clarke

The Persistence of Gender Inequality Mary Evans

Reviewed by Ines Smyth

Feminist Futures: Reimagining Women, Culture and Development (Second Edition) Kum-Kum Bhavnani, John Foran, Priay A. Kurian and Debashish Munshi (eds.)

Reviewed by Deborah Eade

For more information on Gender & Development visit  www.genderanddevelopment.org and http://tandfonline.com/toc/cgde20/current

And follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/GaDjournal

Извор: WUNRN – 18.07.2017




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