Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Women Workers Rising Coalition on Violence & Harassment Against Women in the Workplace

Women Workers Rising is a coalition-led initiative calling for broad-based solidarity with women workers who are fighting for an end to workplace violence and harassment and to promote pay equity, one fair living wage, paid leave, and labor rights at work. Our coalition is built on the foundation that the fight for women’s rights must center the needs and voices of women workers, and that the labor movement must center the needs and voices of women in their workplaces, associations, and unions especially women of color, immigrant women, and undocumented women.


Violence Against Women in the Workplace Is:

Prevalent –

  • In Bangladesh, over 60% of female garment workers have been intimidated or threatened with violence at work.

  • Women who waitress in the U.S., who rely on tips to supplement their sub minimum wages, report rates of 90% having experienced sexual harassment on the job, and for many it is happening on a weekly basis.

  • In an extensive Human Rights Watch publication, female migrant domestic workers worldwide reported across the board that they were victims of verbal, sexual physical abuse. Women such as the brave Indonesian migrant domestic worker, Erwiana Sulistyaningsih, who was reported to have narrowly escaped death after her employer forcefully beat her on the job, are leading the movement for global reform of an industry that routinely incudes rape, physical violence, discrimination, humiliation and restricted rights and freedoms.

  • In the US, more than 60 percent of 150 female farmworkers interviewed said they had experienced some form of sexual harassment, according to a study conducted by UC Santa Cruz.

  • In Zambia, 81 percent of women have faced sexual harassment at work.

  • In California, female janitors participated in a hunger strike to bring attention to sexual violence on the nightshift. For trans workers the threat of violence and discrimination is amplified, researchers in the European Union found that over the course of just 12 months one in three trans participants felt discriminated against because of being trans when looking for a job (37 %) or while at work (27 %).

  • An average of 80 women a day are sexually assaulted or raped while they’re on the clock.

Gendered –

Workplace violence is not universal, it is targeted at women – and at the highest rates in jobs traditionally seen as “women’s work”; caretakers, nurses, domestic workers, etc. Nurses experience workplace crime at a rate 72 percent higher than medical technicians and at more than twice the rate of other medical fieldworkers. And in male dominated workplaces, women are more likely to face patriarchal mindsets and sexist barriers that protect perpetrators and silence women. This was exemplified in the very recent case of former Fox News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes, who was exposed for using sexual exploitation and fear tactics for years against multiple female employees. Women laborers in Honduras report forced pregnancy tests administered as a part of the hiring process, and women are routinely not-hired or fired if they become pregnant. Women with disabilities face multiple barriers to safe spaces of work, according to a global report that lists unemployment as a consequence of citing examples, where the abuser may harass or intimidate them in the workplace, harass other employees or prevent them from going to work at all as a mechanism of control, causing them to lose employment.

Deadly –


Извор: WUNRN – 14.05.2017




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