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CEE Bulletin on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights No 04 (163) 2017

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CEE Bulletin on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights  No 04 (163) 2017


61st session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women

The sixty-first session of the Commission on the Status of Women with priority theme of “Women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work” took place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 13 to 24 March 2017. Representatives of Member States, UN entities, and ECOSOC-accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from all regions of the world attended the session, among them representative of ASTRA Network who worked with other civil society representatives within the Women’s Rights Caucus. 

The change of government in the United States and the rise of populism in Central and Eastern Europe alongside Brexit have all contributed to a very interesting and a very challenging session. This year we have observed that core issues which are valued by ASTRA and the international Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights community have been again under heated discussion and have been questioned.

Not only the White House aims to drastically cut funding for the UN and the new President reinstated the Global Gag Rule not so long ago, but also the anti-choice and anti-LGBTIQ hate group of C-FAM and Heritage Foundation was part of the official US delegation to the 61st CSW. These are worrying signs that need our attention in the coming months.

The CSW did conclude with a set of Agreed Conclusions which recognize that sexual and reproductive health and rights is essential for women’s economic rights, independence and empowerment and a major component of women’s realities. In other wins, the Commission urged governments to end violence and harassment against women in the world of work, with a specific focus on strengthening and enforcing laws and policies and developing measures to promote the re-entry of victims and survivors of violence into the labour market. Recognizing that women continue to shoulder the bulk of unpaid care and domestic work, the Commission established a blueprint for governments to reduce and redistribute this work through public services, labour and social protections, and affordable child and other care services. The Commission also urged governments to measure the value of unpaid care and domestic work through time use surveys, which will help measure progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

View the Agreed Conclusions of the 61st CSW here.

Additional reading:

CSW61 recap with ASTRA Coordinator on EuroNGOs website

Women's Rights Caucus Statement on the Conclusion of CSW61

Nations pledge to cut women's unpaid work and close the gender pay gap

Top takeaways from the UN's largest women's rights gathering

Women’s Meaningful Participation: The Missing Ingredient at CSW61

Anti-LGBT buss on the streets of New York



European Commission published its 2017 Report on Equality between women and men in the EU 

To mark International Women’s Day, the European Commission published its annual gender equality report. The Commission report highlighted in particular the new framework for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in the EU’s External Relations (2016-2020), as a tool under which the Commission organised several capacity-building initiatives for its staff and approximately 40 European Delegations conducted specific gender analyses to guide their programming. The Report set out the Commission’s approach to gender and gender-based violence in humanitarian aid, its support for CEDAW and the Beijing declaration and platform for action, and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


2017 Annual Report on Gender Equality

Press Release

Source: DSW Newsletter

Croatian Court Reaffirms Constitutionality of Women’s Access to Abortion

The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia reaffirmed the constitutionality of access to abortion on March 2nd.

The Constitutional Court decision rejected claims made by conservative groups and individuals that allowing women access to abortion on request was unconstitutional. In its decision, the court reaffirmed that women’s access to abortion is protected within their constitutional rights to liberty, personality, and privacy.

The Center for Reproductive Rights and the Center for Education, Counselling and Research submitted amicus briefs to the Constitutional Court that explain how international human rights law, comparative European law and international public health and clinical standards support women’s right to access safe and legal abortion.

“We welcome the Constitutional Court’s reaffirmation of Croatian women’s rights to access abortion services,” said Leah Hoctor, regional director for Europe at the Center for Reproductive Rights. “Today’s ruling thwarts an attempt to rollback constitutional recognition of these rights. It is now essential that Croatian authorities ensure that future legislation also guarantees and respects these rights.”

“We are pleased that the Croatian Constitutional Court confirmed the constitutionality of women’s right to safe and legal abortion,” said Sanja Cesar, Program Manager at the Center for Education, Counselling and Research. “It is expected that under this Government ultraconservative forces will attempt to severely limit, if not outright prohibit, access to safe abortion. The Croatian authorities must not deviate from universal and regional human rights principles and standards that protect the sexual and reproductive rights of women.”

Croatian legislation, adopted in 1978, allows abortion on request within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy and thereafter when a pregnancy is a result of a crime, if there is a risk to a woman’s health or life, and in cases of severe fetal impairments. The Court ruled that by allowing women’s access to abortion in these circumstances, the law gives effect to women’s constitutional rights to privacy, liberty, and personality and complied with international human rights law and comparative European law. As the 1978 law predated the current Croatian Constitution, the Court requested that the Croatian Parliament adopt new legislation within two years.  

Source: Center for Reproductive Rights



UPR of Lithuania

During the 34th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva outcomes of the 26th session of the Universal Periodic Review were adopted with Lithuania being one of the countries under review.

The Sexual Rights Initiative, with cooperation from ASTRA Network and Family Planning and Sexual Health Association from Vinus, Lithuaniua, delivered the Lithuanian NGO statement (available here).

During the review Lithuania accepted 153 recommendations on human rights implementation, including Finland's recommendation (100.141): to take actions to improve sexual and reproductive health and rights according to previous recommendations and to formulate a national strategy on sexual and reproductive health and rights, and integrate sexual and reproductive health into the next National Health Programme for 2026-2036.

Family Planning and Sexual Health Association and nongovernmental women's organizations network “ReGina” are pleased to note that Lithuanian Government has committed to fulfill   this recommendation and to ensure the improvement in sexual reproductive health and rights (source: Family Planning and Sexual Health Association).


Strategy for ensuring gender equality in Moldova approved by Government

The Moldovan Government approved the strategy for ensuring equality between women and men in Moldova for 2017 -2021 on March 9th. The plan of action for implementing this document that has five general objectives, followed by specific objectives. The strategy aims to ensure a complex approach to gender equality, to strengthen the institutional gender equality ensuring mechanism, to combat stereotypes in society and to promote non-violent communication. The objectives of the strategy for ensuring equality between women and men were set for the next five years and reflect the commitments assumed by Moldova at international level. The measures defined in the plan of action will be carried out with money budgeted for the purpose by the public authorities involved in the implementation of the strategy and from others sources.

Source and more information: IPN


RHTC is continuing to advocate for respect of sexual and reproductive rights of people with disabilities in Moldova

On 21 – 22 March 2017, the Republic of Moldova has reported to UN Committee on the implementation of the UN Convention on the rights of the persons with disabilities, which has been ratified seven years ago.  Besides the achievements related to the legislation adaptation and social inclusion of persons with disabilities reported by the Government (see detailed country report), the civil society presented an alternative/shadow report highlighting the situation of sexual and reproductive rights of people with disabilities in the country. The civil society report included results of the situation analysis conducted by RHTC in 2016, related to problems faced by women and girls with locomotors disabilities in Moldova in exercising their sexual and reproductive rights (see the report of situation analysis, soon will be available in English). 

According to the situation analysis women with disabilities in Moldova (48% from total disabled people) do not have physical access in the most of medical institutions (no ramp access, lack of support bars, lack of lift in the institution with several floors, doctor's office location on the top floors without a lift, etc.). The medical personnel are not sensitized about sexual and reproductive rights of disabled persons and do not have enough knowledge about their sexual and reproductive health and rights. In many cases, women with disabilities related that medical staff refuses to council them about contraceptives usage or about pregnancy planning, advising them not to plan a pregnancy because of their disability or to make abortion. The UN Committee has been informed about recommendations, which from civil society point of view will empower people with disabilities in Moldova to exercise their sexual and reproductive rights. The main recommendations relates to ensuring the physical accessibility to medical institutions providing reproductive health services; increasing the level of knowledge and build counseling skills of primary level of care providers and psychosocial services providers on sexual and reproductive health and rights of people with disabilities; increasing authorities and community awareness on sexual and reproductive rights of people with disabilities.

Another important recommendation was to increase the level of knowledge of people with disabilities to enable them to exercise their sexual and reproductive rights, make better choices, and take informed decisions regarding their sexual and reproductive health. In this regard, the Reproductive Health Training Center (RHTC) conducted a training of trainers for twenty women with disabilities on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, which was held in Chisinau on 15-17 march 2017. The aim of the course was to train women with disabilities and their support persons, from different parts of the country to become peer-to-peer educators in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights, so they can conduct informational sessions for people with disabilities from their community. Participants become part of the National Network of Youth Peer Educator (Y-Peer), which have representatives in many country districts and will conduct sessions in partnership with the Y-Peer educators, creating a tandem of disabled and non-disabled team. In this way, we expect to aware the population about the equality between disabled and non-disabled people and decrease the stigma, and discrimination. With the same purpose, two women without disabilities (representatives of Y-Peer Network) and two disabled women comprised the team of course trainers. The course was organized due to financial support of the Embassy of Finland in Bucharest, within the project „All Equal, All Healthy: Empowering Women and Girls with Disabilities in Moldova to Exercise their Sexual and Reproductive Rights”carried out by RHTC in the July 2016 – June 2017 interval.

Source: Reproductive Health Training Center


New Maternal and new-born Health Strategy in Georgia for years 2017-2030

The Government of Georgia aims to substantially improve Maternal and New-born Health in the coming 14 years. To this end it has developed a long-term strategy (2017-2030) and a closely related short-term Action Plan (2017-2019). Because MNH is closely related and strongly influenced by quality of Family Planning and of Sexual and Reproductive Health of young people, these two fields are also included in this MNH strategy. The overall purpose of this strategy is to give direction and provide guidance for the improvement of Maternal and Newborn Health and the related fields just mentioned. This strategy is closely linked to recent international strategic documents, including the Sustainable Development Goals (2015) and the new WHO European Action Plan for Sexual and Reproductive Health (2016), with which it shares internationally accepted guiding principles.

Despite significant progress made over the past two decades, the country still faces several important challenges in meeting international targets in the fields of MNH, FP and Young People´s SRH. The Strategy analyses the main determinants of those challenges and subsequently recommends various priority interventions for dealing with them.

The presentation of new Maternal and New-born Health Strategy (2017-2030)  will take place on
7 April of 2017.

Source: HERA XXI

From ASTRA Members

Study in Armenia’s Largest Province launched by Women’s Resource Center


The Situational analysis of “The Invisible Lives of Women in Gegharkunik” project consists of two parts: the first part concerns the reality of protecting of Women’s rights in Gegharkunik province. The four key areas targeted were family and familial relationships, education, employment, and sexual and reproductive spheres.  With regards to familial relationships, Gegharkunik has a unique position in that 80-90% of the men of the region live abroad seasonally as labor migrants. This complicates the familial structure, as many of the men do not remain faithful to their wives while abroad, some even have other families with women in their host country. However, the women in Gegharkunik did not mind this in the slightest. Additionally, many women of the region thought domestic violence was justifiable in many cases, and others who did not think violence was acceptable, admitted to not having the necessary resources to get out of such a situation. Similarly, with regards to education and employment, a widespread belief in Gegharkunik is that education is unnecessary for women. Many of the women interviewed in the region explained that after marriage, the man would make all the decisions, therefore getting an education is unnecessary. Because of this many girls are prevented from receiving an education. However, what is interesting is that women in Gegharkunik are responsible for a majority of the region’s agricultural labor. Finally, our analysis shows that sexual and reproductive health services are very limited in Gegharkunik. Very few women have access to birth control and none of the pharmacies in the region sell any form of contraceptive. Additionally, the rate of  sexualy transmitted diseases, including HIV, are quite high in the region. Often times men who are aware of their STD do not tell their wives about it. Furthermore, Gegharkunik also has a high rate of sex-selective abortion. The ratio of boys-to-girls being born is 124 to 100.

The second part of the situation analyses is dedicated to expanding the Women’s March and working with professionals who wish to organize similar marches to tackle other problems.

Source: Women’s Resource Center

Action against sexual harassment in public transportation

Society Without Violence NGO (SWV) organized a public action against sexual harassment in public transportation on the International Women’s Day (March 8). The SWV team took raised the awareness of the passengers in the public buses, specifically women and girls, and attempted to empower them to speak up whenever their bodily integrity is violated.

Source: Society Without Violence


Women, Peace and Security: The Invisible Side of War

Society Without Violence NGO (SWV), within the context of "Highlighting women's role in peacebuilding and conflict reconciliation in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh through media and art" project, funded by The Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation (BST), shed light on women living in war zones and their problems and issues; a topic which almost always goes unnoticed.

Within this project, Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) was also raised. Some of the interviewed women stated that health care is sometimes inaccessible, or inadequate; In certain regions, the health clinics do not have gynecologists. In general, women talked about how the war, or the threat of its restart has a negative impact on their health, including SRH. SWV published a book, which included the stories of these women, in the form of photo series, entitled “Women, Peace and Security:  The invisible Side of War”.

Source: Society Without Violence


Concept paper of the new State Program Reproductive Health of the Nation for the period 2017-2021 was signed by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

On March 15 2017 Ulyana Suprun, acting Minister of Health of Ukraine has signed the Concept paper of the new State Program Reproductive Health of the Nation for the period of 2017-2021. The document is available at the MOH website for public discussion till April 15 2017.

It is the result of the few-years efforts of WHFP as well as joint advocacy activity of members of Ukrainian Parliament – key legislative body in Ukraine, experts, international donors, and civil society organizations – members of All-Ukrainian Coalition of Reproductive Health & Family Planning. Among other NGOs, WHFP played the leading role in the advocacy of the new state program, initiating and conducting number of high level national and regional events.

The completion of the previous State Program “Reproductive Health of the Nation” (SPRHN) in 2015 without government’s attention, sufficient financial support and availability of a new RH strategy, may jeopardize the achievements of the previous years and can lead to a loss of the positive performance results being used currently to assess the country’s rating in achieving the Millennium Development Goals and the Human Development Index. Thus adoption of the new Program is one of the key needs both for Ukrainian citizens' RHR protection and country' successful development in general.

Source: Women Health and Family Planning


50th session of the UN Commission on Population and Development

The 50th session of the Commission on Population and Development is taking place at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 3 to 7 April 2017. The priority theme of the Session is “Changing population age structures and sustainable development.” Please visit the website of the Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs for more information on NGO participation in the Session of the Commission here.

Follow the conversation on social media via #CPD50

Source: UNFPA


U.S. withdraws funding for UNFPA

The United States has announced that it is ending funding to UNFPA, the UN agency with the mission "to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled".

The cut marks U.S. President Donald Trump's first move to curtail funding for the United Nations a few after he had announced the reinstate,ent of the so-called Mexico City Policy that withholds U.S. funding for international organizations that perform abortions or provide information about abortion. Trump broadened its scope to include all global health assistance hence directly contributong to the worsening of women’s reproductive and sexual health across the globe.

In a statement on its website, UNFPA said it regrets the U.S. decision to end funding. "The state department said it was withholding $32.5 in funding for the fiscal year of 2017 because the UNFPA "supports, or participates in the management of, a programme of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilisation".

Source: Reuters, Aljazeera


Cultural rights threatened by global avalanche of hate – UN Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights issues her report

The UN Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, Karima Bennoune, told the Human Rights Council in Geneva: “We face a global avalanche of hate in the form of rising fundamentalism and extremism around the world. This must be tackled with urgency, using a human rights approach. Culture and cultural rights are critical components of this response”.

The Special Rapporteur is deeply concerned at the normalization of fundamentalist and extremist ideology and rhetoric in many political, cultural and media contexts, in diverse forms and in all regions of the world, and the increasing embrace they find in mainstream political parties and candidates.

In her report to the UN Human Rights Council, the expert highlights how diverse fundamentalist and extremist ideologies have in common a mindset based on intolerance of differences and pluralism, and all attempt to stamp out cultural diversity and dissent.

“These ideologies abuse cultural rights by stifling freedom of artistic expression and curtailing scientific freedom,” she said. “They impose ways of life, including through pressuring educational institutions, personnel and students, targeting minorities, promoting discrimination that infringes on the right to take part in cultural life, erasing symbols of coexistence, and undermining the universality of human rights”, she added.

The Special Rapporteur stressed that cultural rights are a critical counterweight to fundamentalism and extremism and called for more to be done to guarantee the conditions for all to fully enjoy them. “The arts, education, science and culture are among the best ways to fight fundamentalism and extremism and to prevent or stop the human rights violations to which they give rise. They are not luxuries, but critical for promoting inclusion, making space for peaceful contestation and protecting youth from radicalization,” Ms. Bennoune emphasized.

In her report, Ms. Bennoune called for policies to combat discrimination in the right to take part in cultural life or promote freedom of artistic expression, scientific freedom and education as core aspects of combating fundamentalism and extremism. She also called for policies to promote and protect the separation of religion and State, and ensure that those at risk from fundamentalist and extremist abuse, including as a result of exercising their cultural rights, were not returned to any contexts where they will be at risk of xenophobic attack. “It is a tragic spectacle to witness victims of one form of extremism becoming victims of another when they seek safe haven”.

In the report, the Special Rapporteur points to cases from all regions where fundamentalist and extremist ideology has motivated abuses of cultural rights by state and non-state actors; she condemns attacks on freedom of artistic expression in Russia, Saudi Arabia, India and Iran, and on intellectuals in Bangladesh. Ms. Bennoune said diverse forms of fundamentalism and extremism, though sometimes viewed as opponents, often actually reinforce each other. “One form of fundamentalism or extremism is not a justification for another. Each is a reinforcing reminder of the global humanist crisis that lies before us. We must break out of this vicious circle that will leave youth globally facing a political landscape offering only a bleak choice of competing extremisms”.

Source: United Nations Human Rights



CSW 61 Young Feminist Caucus Statement

During the 61st session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, young feminists representing different youth-led and youth-serving civil society organizations from around the world came together at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). In a political climate of increasing conservatism, religious fundamentalism, and an aggressive rollback of the rights of women and marginalized people, young feminists gathered to share an alternative vision of
a world that respects all genders and sexualities, upholds gender equality, and places human rights at the core of its mandate.

The Young Feminist Caucus came forward with their own statement - read it HERE and follow #YoungFeministVisions and #FeministCSW61 on social media.


Training for young SRHR volunteers was held in Kyiv, Ukraine

On March 2-3, 2017 WHFP has organized training "The choice is yours!". To participate in the training young people aged 15-23 years, experienced in awareness-raising and advocacy activities on healthy lifestyles, sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people were invited. 24 volunteers from 11 regions of Ukraine came to Kyiv city to obtain new knowledge and skills, as well as to find new friends and raise their motivation to voluntary works. Training was organized by the Woman Health and Family Planning Charity Foundation under the  support of International Federation of Planned Parenthood / IPPF.

Among other, training agenda included presentation of the results of the survey aimed to identify the needs of young people in health, sexuality, education and human rights, that stimulated discussion and helped young volunteers to clarify the main steps to be done to improve access to comprehensive information and SRH services for youth.

Young people have also been informed on the basic principles of on-line information campaigns, useful instruments to create quality content for campaigns in social media, and practicals tips on  how to invite audience to join the campaign. Based on this knowledge, young volunteers created strategies for information campaigns for two target groups: parents and adolescents living in rural areas. The concepts of these campaigns will become the basis orf future WHFP campaigns in 2017. And video interviews of young activists, recordered during the training, will be used both to strengthen campaigns and to support other WHFP advocacy and information activities.

To enhance young people motivation and help them to understand perspectives of voluntary activity Julia Danyltsova, one of the most active WHFP volunteers, presented her own voluntary experience of cooperation with WHFP, as well as YSAFE and ASTRA Youth.

Source: Women Health and Family Planning


Young volunteers in Bulgaria participate in the creation of an online simulation game for prevention of sexual violence and harassment

The activities are implemented under the project CONVEY- Counteracting sexual violence and harassment: Engaging Youth in schools in digital education on gender stereotyping.

A total number of 12 young people aged 16-18 years participated in the first meeting on 07.03.2017 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, organized by Gender Alternatives Foundation. The youth are part of the Bulgarian Youth Red Cross – Plovdiv. Such meetings are to be held in 6 European countries – Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Ireland, UK and Bulgaria. The meetings will allow young people across EU to contribute to the creation of an online simulation game, aiming at educating and raising awareness on gender stereotyping and sexualisation of women and men. The online simulation game will be used as a tool to educate and contribute to change behaviour and attitudes of young people in relation to violence, harassment and gender stereotyping.

The young volunteers will take part in 6 meetings on the creation of the video game and contribute with their perspective on gender stereotypes, sexual violence and harassment, to the development of the online simulation game. Firstly, peer consultants will provide inputs and feedback to the development of the online simulation game. Then, peer consultants will participate in the testing of the tool.

This project is co-funded by the Rights, Equality & Citizenship Programme of the European Union and it’s being implemented by organisations in 6 EU countries: CESIE (IT), The Smile of the Child (GR), Hope for Children (CY), Sexual Violence Centre Cork (IE), Gender Alternatives (BG), Westminster City Council (UK).

Source: Gender Alternatives Foundation


International conference: Sexuality education in Europe

On 15-16 May 2017, the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA), a WHO Collaborating Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health, will hold an international technical conference on sexuality education in the WHO European Region in Berlin, Germany.

Sexuality education is an integral part of health promotion and a crucial element to support the healthy development of children and young people. BZgA will welcome experts in the field of sexual and reproductive health and sexuality education throughout the WHO European Region (including Eastern Europe and Central Asia) for a technical exchange on:

  • the current state of sexuality education in the WHO European region,

  • trends and challenges related to the implementation and improvement of sexuality education as well as future strategies and approaches on how to address them. 

See the concept paper and programme here.

Source: BZgA


EuroNGOs 2017 Conference: new dates!

The dates for the 2017 EuroNGOs Conference have been shifted to September 27-28. This year, the conference will focus on how we can protect and promote SRHR in a time of growing populism. Rising support for populist movements, echoed through examples such as Brexit in the UK, the rhetoric of Orban in Hungary and Kaczynski in Poland, the success of far-right parties from Germany to Greece, and Trump in the USA, is reshaping the politics of many Western societies. For the SRHR community this global political shift is particularly worrying as populism favours traditional over progressive values and national self-interest over international cooperation and development aid.

These changes can have serious implications in terms of political support and financial investment in SRHR and development issues, and also risks undermining the achievement of SDGs and decisions taken at UN level.

Source: EuroNGOs



Access to emergency contraception in some countries of the Balkans, Eastern Europe
and Central Asia

New publication from the European Consortium for Emergency Contraception examines the accessibility of emergency contraception in the CEE region. This factsheet summarizes the main findings of this survey as of October 2015, and includes data from 15 countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

Access the publication here.


Power Lessons: What the Women’s Movement Can Learn from Recent Successes

A timely new report by International Women’s Health Coalition sheds light on how the global women’s movement achieved a major victory with the landmark 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, agreed to by 193 countries in 2015. With 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets, this blueprint will guide global investments for the next 13 years. Intense advocacy by the women’s movement ensured that there is a stand-alone goal on achieving gender equality and that women’s rights, welfare, and health underpin much of the agenda. In the face of conservative backlash, how did they achieve this victory, and what will it take to bring this ambitious plan to life?

In an effort to turn hindsight into foresight, the report, “Power Lessons: Women’s Advocacy and the 2030 Agenda” documents the role and strategies of the women’s movement in the process. Working with other members of the Women’s Major Group—comprised of more than 600 women’s organizations and networks from around the world—IWHC carried out this retrospective evaluation to unpack lessons learned. Highlights from this evaluation were also captured in a short film, which together with “Power Lessons,” makes clear that strong, fully-funded women’s rights organizations are essential to global progress and to holding governments accountable to their commitments.

Source: International Women’s Health Coalition


SRI is hiring an Advocacy Advisor!

The Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI) is hiring an Advocacy Advisor based in Geneva, Switzerland. The Advocacy Advisor will report to the Senior Representative of the SRI to the UN in Geneva. Please send cover letter, CV and 3 references to Оваа е-адреса е заштитена од спамботови. Треба да ви е овозможено JavaScript за да ја видите. with subject line “SRI Advocacy Advisor Application” by close of business on Tuesday 18 April, 2017.

Learn more here


ASTRA Network Members: Albania - Albanian Family Planning Association; Armenia - Society Without Violence; Armenia - Women’s Resource Center; Armenia - Women’s Rights Center; Azerbaijan - Center “Women and Modern World”; Belarus - Women’s Independent Democratic Movement of Belarus; Bulgaria - Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association; Bulgaria - Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation; Bulgaria - Gender Education, Research and Technologies; Bulgaria - Demetra Association; Bulgaria - Gender Alternatives Foundation; Bosnia and Herzegovina – Sarajevo Open Center; Croatia - B.a.b.e.; Croatia – CESI; Croatia - Women’s Room; Georgia – HERA XXI; Georgia – Real People, Real Vision; Georgia - Women’s Center; Hungary – PATENT; Kazakhstan - The Legal Center for Women’s Initiatives “Sana Sezim”; Lithuania - Family Planning and Sexual Health Association; Latvia - Latvia’s Association for Family Planning And Sexual Health; Macedonia - Association for emancipation, solidarity and equality of women; Macedonia – H.E.R.A.; Macedonia – Shelter Center; Moldova – Family Planning Association; Moldova - Reproductive Health Training Center; Poland - Federation for Women and Family Planning; Romania - A.L.E.G.; Romania - AnA: Society for Feminist Analysis; Romania - Euroregional Center for Public Initiatives; Romania - The East European Institute of Reproductive Health; Russia - Novogorod Gender Center; Russia – Russian Association for Population and Development; Slovakia – Pro Choice; Tajikistan – Gender and Development; Ukraine - Women Health and Family Planning; Ukraine - Charitable SALUS Foundation; Uzbekistan - Future Generation


Prepared by Marta Szostak

Supported by the Sigrid Rausing Trust


ASTRA Secretariat
Federation for Women and Family Planning
Nowolipie 13/15, 00-150 Warsaw, Poland
ph/fax 48.22.635 9395, Оваа е-адреса е заштитена од спамботови. Треба да ви е овозможено JavaScript за да ја видите.

Извор: ASTRA Secretariat – 04.04.2017



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