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Working on Gender Equality in Fragile Contexts - Gender & Development


Gender & Development Working on Gender Equality in Fragile Contexts

By 2030, the global share of people living in poverty in fragile and conflict-affected situations is estimated to reach 46 per cent. This issue of Gender & Development looks at fragility from a gender perspective. Contributions from researchers, practitioners, policymakers and feminist activists all point to the pressing need, based on women’s and girls’ realities,  to address gender inequality in policy and practice in fragile contexts, in order to build truly stable and peaceful environments for all to live in.

If you would like information on subscribing to the journal, with access to all G&D content, visit the Routledge/Taylor & Francis website http://www.tandfonline.com/gad

Read G&D Editor Caroline Sweetman’s blog on the new issue
Women leading in the peace

Journal Contents

Introduction: Working on gender equality in fragile contexts

Caroline Sweetman and Jo Rowlands


How can donors improve their support to gender equality in fragile settings? Findings

from OECD research

Diana Koester, Emily Esplen, Karen Barnes Robinson, Clare Castillejo and Tam O’Neil

Refugees and ‘host communities’ facing gender-based violence: developing an area-based

approach to gender-based violence around Mbera Camp, Mauritania

Olga Martín González

The reintegration of former combatants in Colombia: addressing violent masculinities

in a fragile context

Isabella Flisi

Supporting women’s movements in Afghanistan: challenges of activism in a fragile context

Bele Grau

Researching livelihoods recovery and support for vulnerable conflict-affected women in Iraq

Rachel Sider and Corrie Sissons

The impact of war on Somali men: feminist analysis of masculinities and gender relations

in a fragile context

Judy El-Bushra and Judith Gardner

How women’s silence secures the peace: analysing sexual and gender-based violence in

a low-intensity conflict

Sara E. Davies, Jacqui True and Maria Tanyag

‘Empowerment’ of adolescent girls and young women in Kinshasa: research about girls, by girls

Lyndsay McLean and Anny T. Modi

Employment, masculinities, and domestic violence in ‘fragile’ contexts: Pakistani women

in Pakistan and the UK

Punita Chowbey


Compiled by Liz Cooke

Working on gender equality in fragile contexts: Resources List

Book Reviews

Edited by Liz Cooke

Gender, Nutrition, and the Human Right to Adequate Food: Toward an Inclusive Framework
Anne C. Bellows, Flavio L.S. Valente, Stefanie Lemke, and María Daniela Núñez Burbano de Lara (eds.)

Reviewed by Emily Hillenbrand

Women Migrant Workers: Ethical, Political and Legal Problems

Zahra Meghani (ed.)

Reviewed by Allison J. Petrozziello

For more information on Gender & Development visitwww.genderanddevelopment.org

or follow us on Twitter

Извор: WUNRN – 10.11.2016




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