Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








The Girl Effect: What Do Boys Have to Do With It?

The unique potential of adolescent girls to contribute to reducing and ending poverty both for themselves and their communities, often referred to as the "Girl Effect," has been increasingly recognized over the last decade. Donors, researchers and programmers have markedly increased investment in, and recognition of, the importance of adolescent girls' health, well-being and participation in their communities in an attempt to rectify historical imbalances that have privileged men and boys over women and girls. While girls and women around the world are demonstrating the value of these investments, it is also clear that overcoming gender inequality and its consequences is not their responsibility alone. Indeed, all global citizens - women, men, girls and boys - share responsibility for, and stand to benefit from, creating a more equitable world......

Source: International center for research on women

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