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Agri-Gender Statistics Toolkit - FAO


This publication is a methodological tool and a guiding resource prepared under the “Strengthening national capacities for production and analysis of sex-disaggregated data through the implementation of the FAO Gender and Agriculture Framework (GASF)” project, funded by the FAO / Turkey Partnership Programme (FTTP). The project was implemented from 2013 to 31 May, 2016, and targeted national statistical offices and ministries of agriculture of three countries: Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkey, with the overall objective to assist the beneficiaries in developing gender-sensitive statistics on the agricultural and rural sector, to assess the current status of the rural population – both women and men – and to ensure evidence-based and informed policymaking processes. The contents of the toolkit were validated at three national workshops held respectively in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkey from July 2015 to April 2016.

Direct Link to Full 56-Page 2016 Toolkit:



Извор: WUNRN - 22.07.2016



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