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Selection of the Next UN Secretary-General - Candidates - Women

Procedure of Selecting & Appointing the Next UN Secretary-General

President Lykketoft has committed to running his Presidency in the most open and transparent manner possible. This also applies to the process of selecting and appointing the next United Nations Secretary-General.

The position of Secretary-General is one of great importance that requires the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity, and a firm commitment to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. The President of the General Assembly and of the Security Council invite candidates to be presented with proven leadership and managerial abilities, extensive experience in international relations, and strong diplomatic, communication and multilingual skills.

Member States are invited to present candidates in a letter to the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council.

The Presidents of the General Assembly and of the Security Council will jointly circulate to all Member States, on an ongoing basis, and publish on this webpage, the names of individuals that have been submitted for consideration.

More information: 

Selection procedure of next Secretary-General [15 Dec 2015]

Informal Dialogues and Civil Society Engagement with Candidates for next Secretary-General [25 Feb 2016]

The role of the Secretary-General

Appointment process & FAQ: Appointment process

Secretary General Selection – Informal Dialogues [29 Mar 2016]

Secretary-General Selection – Second round of Informal Dialogues [24 May 2016]

Consideration of candidacies for the position of next Secretary-General [15 June 2016]



Website of the President of the UN General Assembly:


10 Civil Society Questions for All Candidates

10 Civil Society Questions

Videos on Selection Process for Next Secretary-General

Videos: Next Secretary-General


The letters submitted by Member States following the procedure laid out in the joint letter of 15 December 2015 for presenting candidates for the position of the next United Nations Secretary-General will be published below.

30 December 2015


Dr. Srgjan Kerim
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Official GA document A/70/672 – S/2015/1054
Vision Statement of Srgjan Kerim
Informal dialogue with Srgjan Kerim [14 April 2016]

14 January 2016


Prof. Dr. sc. Vesna Pusić
Republic of Croatia 

Official GA document A/70/687 – S/2016/40
Vision Statement of Vesna Pusić
Informal dialogue with Vesna Pusić [13 April 2016]

15 January 2016


Dr. Igor Lukšić

Official GA document A/70/688 – S/2016/43
Vision Statement of Igor Lukšić
Informal dialogue with Igor Lukšić [12 April 2016]

9 February 2016


Dr. Danilo Türk

Official GA document A/70/731 – S/2016/128
Vision Statement of Danilo Türk
Informal dialogue with Danilo Türk [13 April 2016]

11 February 2016


Ms. Irina Bokova

Official GA document: A/70/732 – S/2016/139
Vision Statement of Irina Bokova
Informal dialogue with Irina Bokova [12 April 2016]

19 February 2016


Ms. Natalia Gherman
Republic of Moldova

Official GA document A/70/752 – S/2016/166
Vision Statement of Natalia Gherman
Informal dialogue with Natalia Gherman [13 April 2016]

29 February 2016


Mr. António Guterres

Official GA document A/70/768 – S/2016/206
Vision Statement of António Guterres
Informal dialogue with António Guterres [12 April 2016]

4 April 2016


Ms. Helen Clark
New Zealand

Official GA document: A/70/813 – S/2016/314
Vision Statement of Helen Clark
Informal dialogue with Helen Clark [14 April 2016]

12 April 2016


Mr. Vuk Jeremić
Republic of Serbia

Official GA document: A/70/827 – S/2016/340
Vision Statement of Vuk Jeremić
Informal dialogue with Vuk Jeremić [14 April 2016]

23 May 2016


Ms. Susana Malcorra 

Official GA document: A/70/906 – S/2016/473
Vision Statement of Susana Malcorra 

27 May 2016


Mr. Miroslav Lajčák
Slovak Republic

Official GA document: A/70/908 – S/2016/492
Vision Statement of Miroslav Lajčák

7 July 2016


Ms. Christiana Figueres
Costa Rica

Official GA document: A/70/979 – S/2016/597
Vision Statement of Christiana Figueres

Извор: WUNRN – 19.07.2016




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