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Roma Inclusion Newsletter: June 2016

Published by the WHO Regional Office for Europe in cooperation with the European Commission - Directorate-General for Health and Consumers and the Interuniversity Institute of Social Development and Peace at the University of Alicante, Spain (WHO Collaborating Centre on Social Inclusion and Health).

Toolkit on Roma social participation
WHO/Europe developed a detailed list of methods and techniques for promoting the social participation of Roma and other social groups throughout the policy process, providing examples and case studies in the WHO European Region.


Summer school on global minority rights: are minority rights still relevant? The impact of minority protection regimes in the 21st century
10–16 July 2016, Budapest, Hungary
The 4th international summer school will feature leading experts and practitioners in the field of international human rights law, political science, sociology and history to discuss the relevance of existing regimes for minority protection.
Summer course in Romani studies at Central European University
11–22 July 2016, Budapest, Hungary
The course will bring together academics and students with artists, activists and community stakeholders in a partnership that focuses on knowledge production and best practice. It will focus on the nexus between Romani studies and performance, with special attention paid to questions of visual culture and representation.

2016 Annual Meeting of Gypsy Lore Society and Conference on Romani Studies
14–16 September, 2016, Stockholm, Sweden
MigRom final conference
17–19 January 2017, Manchester, United Kingdom
The final conference of the project on immigration of Romanian Roma to western Europe 2013–2017 will address spatial and social mobility, community and inclusion, and social change among other topics.

Past events

Media Seminars – Stopping discrimination against Roma
February–June 2016
Media Seminars organized by the European Commission in 8 countries aimed to develop closer communication between international and local journalists together with members of the Roma community to highlight steps being taken to end discrimination. 
Summer school for the empowerment of young Roma women
24–29 June 2016, Vadul lui Vodă, Republic of Moldova
This event provided 30 participants, young Roma aged 18–30 years old, with the skills and knowledge to identify community problems and their resolutions. The challenges young Roma women face, the importance of representation of Roma women in public life and decision-making, and gender roles were also discussed.
Strengthening Roma political participation
10 June 2016, Brussels, Belgium
This conference, organized by the European Roma Information Office, aimed to advance Roma´s political representation and participation at the local, national and European levels.
4th study visit of the regional intervention on “Health mediation and the Roma”
6–8 June 2016, Seville, Spain
This intervention, part of the EQUI HEALTH project, intends to create collaboration and to establish means of communication between health mediators in countries of origin and countries of destination of Roma nationals and migrants. The visit’s objective is to continue the development of a European Network of Community Health Mediators initiated during 3 previous study visits.
Central eastern European Networking Event of Researchers on Roma Health and Policy
1–3 June 2016, Drebecen, Hungary
Researchers from 8 countries shared knowledge generated through research on Roma health and to discuss research gaps and priorities. The topics ranged from genetics to the social determinants of health.
2nd commemoration of the Day of Courage and Romani Youth
21 May 2016, Budapest, Hungary
The courage that the Roma people showed in the Zigeunerlager of Auschwitz-Birkenau on 16 May 1944 was commemorated in the National Theatre in Budapest, together with many other European countries.
Raise your voice for Roma – International seminar and European youth event 2016 (#EYE2016)
20–21 May 2016, Strasbourg, France
The conference analysed antisemitism and antigypsyism by bringing together local and international perspectives. Thousands of young people participated in person and online.
Including Roma communities in European higher education
19 May 2016, Sussex, United Kingdom
The objectives of the conference, organized by the University of Sussex, were: to explore enabling interventions to promote Roma inclusion in higher education; to exchange knowledge with diverse stakeholders, including community organizations, policy-makers and scholars; and to promote change, impact and positive outcomes.
International Romani Resistance Day
16 May 2016, Europe
International Romani Resistance Day focused all actions and communications around the theme of exile. Roma youth organizations of Europe shared their experience with exile to draw attention to this topic.
Joint conference of the EQUI-HEALTH “Fostering Health Provisions for Migrants, Roma and Other Vulnerable Groups” and “Adapting European health systems to diversity” projects
11 May 2016, Lisbon, Portugal
The joint conference presented the results of research on health care policies concerning migrants in 38 mainly European countries, and advocated for policy change across Europe to improve access to appropriate health care services for migrants in an irregular situation. The event preceded the Conference on Migrants and Health Actions on 12–13 May 2016.
A Europe of diasporas conference in the European Parliament
2 May 2016, Brussels, Belgium
At the conference, a coalition of Jewish, Armenian, Roma and Assyrian organizations launched a charter “For a Europe of Diasporas” as a call for Europe to rediscover and value its diasporas.
Being fair, faring better: promoting equality of opportunity for marginalized Roma in Europe
8 April 2016, Washington DC, United States of America
On the occasion of International Roma Day on April 8, the World Bank organized a roundtable discussion on global lessons to expand opportunities for the most disadvantaged by promoting inclusive education and productive employment, and improving livelihoods.
Public hearing on antigypsyism and possible responses
8 April 2016, Brussels, Belgium
The public hearing commemorating International Roma Day featured expert panels on the nature of and instruments to combat antigypsyism, xenophobia and racism.

Panel discussion: European Union mobility, begging and the Roma
6 April 2016, Lund, Sweden
Organized by the Raoul Wallenberg Institute, this event analysed the migration and begging of Roma in Lund and Malmö (Sweden) and Copenhagen (Denmark) with panellists representing 3 different disciplines: law, anthropology and sociology.
Employment opportunities for young Roma
5 April 2016, Brussels, Belgium
This conference aimed to underline the urgency to remove structural barriers and create opportunities for young Roma to access the labour market across the European Union. While mainstream policy frameworks with significant budget allocations exist for promoting youth employment, reality shows Roma youth hardly benefits from such opportunities.

ROMACT training for municipal staff in Romania
11–13 March 2016, Buzau, Romania
The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of Romania organized this new capacity-building training. 30 participants, relevant staff from different municipalities of Romania, were invited to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to design, plan, implement and evaluate ROMACT projects.

Serbia adopts Roma inclusion strategy
3 March 2016
Serbia announced the adoption of a strategy to promote the social inclusion of Roma, combat Roma discrimination and create the conditions for full access to human rights for people of Roma nationality.

Projects and reports

Investigating the institutional relations and structural mechanisms underpinning the hindrances and barriers to employment experienced by Roma individuals in Romania
This publication describes the results of research activities in Romania on disabled individuals and the Roma population. It documents the current policies and programmes that promote the professional integration of vulnerable groups into the labour market.
The Tallaght Roma Integration Project: working for inclusion in health care through a community development model
This report traces the process of engagement and consultation with the Roma community in Tallaght (Dublin, Ireland) to improve its access to health care.
The usage of EU resources in local social innovation
This report is based on the analysis of 16 socially innovative initiatives implemented in 5 European Union (EU) Member States (Austria, Belgium, Italy, Sweden and the United Kingdom) concerning 3 policy areas: Roma inclusion (notably, education-related initiatives), homelessness and housing exclusion, and labour market activation.
Thematic action plan on the inclusion of Roma and Travellers (2016–2019)
This plan provides the political, logical and budgetary framework for Council of Europe action on 3 major priorities: to tackle anti-Roma and anti-Traveller prejudice, discrimination and crimes more effectively; to demonstrate innovative models for inclusive policies for the most vulnerable; and to promote innovative models for local-level solutions.
Young pavees: their mental health needs. A research report (2015) (PDF, 2.7 MB)
This report researched and produced by Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre in Dublin (Ireland), highlights the impact of racism and discrimination on young Travellers mental health and self-esteem.
Traveller Health Unit Eastern Region Strategic Plan 2016–2018 (2016) (PDF, 929 KB)
This publication establishes objectives and action areas for the Traveller Health Unit in the Eastern Region, coordinated by Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre (Ireland), which serves as the bridge for the health service into the Traveller community and vice versa.
Impact of insecure accommodation and the living environment on Gypsies’ and Travellers’ health
A new report by the Traveller Movement (United Kingdom) and commissioned by the National Inclusion Health Board found that the living environment of gypsies and travellers significantly contributes to their state of health, which is considered poor to very bad by two thirds of the travelling community.
Is Britain fairer? Report on equality and human rights progress in England, Scotland and Wales
In this Equality and Human Rights Commission’s statutory five-yearly report, special attention is paid to Roma people, including key findings related to the most significant areas requiring improvement: education and learning, work, income and the economy, health and care, justice, security and the right to life, the individual and society.
Combating hate crime and hate speech in France and Italy
The European Roma Rights Centre is carrying out a project designed to expose the extent of anti-Roma hate crime and hate speech in France and Italy, and improve the authorities’ response to these problems.
Human development report 2015. Work for human development
This is the latest in the series of global human development reports published by the United Nations Development Programme since 1990 as independent, analytically and empirically grounded discussions of major development issues, trends and policies. It includes data about the situation of Roma people.
Launch of Parovel documentary
‪This film follows the changes – big or little – achieved at local level through community participation among ‪Roma in 4 different communities. The process of community participation presented in the film was initiated through ‪ROMED2, a Joint Programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe.

Graphic novel about early marriage and multiple forms of discrimination of Roma women
“Daria: a Roma woman’s journey” is a short graphic novel released by the United Nations Development Programme, drawing attention to the multiple forms of discrimination faced by Roma women in the western Balkans. The story depicts the impact of early marriage on the lives of Roma girls and women, and their struggle with poverty and discrimination.

Извор: СЗО Канцеларија за Европа – 21.06.2016




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